> Is it warmer in 2014 compared too 2013?

Is it warmer in 2014 compared too 2013?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
So far yes most days in January over 30 degrees Celsius

We can't know what the average temperature for 2014 is until the end of year, when we can add up all the temperatures measured in all the places at all times and dates between Jan 1 2014 and Dec 31 2014, and divide by the number of measurements.

I'll let you know once the numbers get above zero! I never paid much attention to your winters but it seems that this year much of the south is underwater while last year you had snow.

Although we are freezing in Toronto, this winter is much like the ones I remember from my childhood. The deep south of the USA thinks the ice age has returned and are returning to school to learn how to use snow shovels.

The climate is currently FUBAR'd

It actually got a bit colder.

not so far... but hey, it's only February. Give it a chance...


As of 2014 the Winter in the UK has been mild this time last year between January and February the UK had snow well not all the UK but parts of the UK and temperatures were a lot lower last year this year temperatures were a lot higher well above average two days it was 15C in some parts of the UK which was unusual for the February even in December 2013 temperatures in the UK even 11C in some parts of the UK so far temperatures this year in January and February have not dropped below average is this down too global warming.