> Where in the united states would one find tropical climate conditions?

Where in the united states would one find tropical climate conditions?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I really need help on this

Places like Arizona, although it leans more toward the warmer side.. Has very cool mornings in December and throughout other parts of the year and is within a relative proximity to California.

People who have not been there always mistake it for being "hot" in the summer, but what they are really imagining is humidity.

Compared to some states, 85 degrees can feel the same as 102 degrees simply because they are not used to it.

So in some areas, it can be warm without seeming so, and thus even easier to become dehydrated.

It may be an interesting place to study the effects of in regards to global warming (that is.. If you believe in it) .

parts of the Gulf Coast states such as Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia Hawaii, Southern California coast, US virgin Islands, and Guam

HI only. Southern FL is sub-tropical. CA, AZ and the Gulf states aren't even in the running.

Only very far southern Florida and Hawaii

Florida, California, a lil bit of Georgia, Louisiana and Hawaii

Florida and hawaii

Holy ****.

Look at a map dude.

technically speaking ... there is very few parts of the US that is considered tropic ... the southern most tip of Florida and the main island of Hawaii

more of it is considered "sub-tropic"

I really need help on this