> Will you be disappointed if this winter was colder than average?

Will you be disappointed if this winter was colder than average?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No! I kind of expect it. Where I live we have had the coldest Spring and Summer. The only bad feelings that I have about a cold Winter is that there are a lot of people who can't afford the energy to heat properly. Thanks to the greenies.

I am 66 years old and I have been flying tiny arcraft and glider over Norway and I can assure you that glaciers like the Hardangerj?kulen and Svartisen are really shrinking. The global warming is a fact. If it is a natural cycle or a man-made effect, I won't open that can of worms. But that is the climate. If this winter will be colder or warmer than average, is an annual fluctuation. What I hope for is, an average winter because excess in any direction always unpleasant consequences on both flora and fauna.

People like that aren't interested in listening to facts, anyway. They just like to argue their point. However, a couple of cold winters doesn't affect overall climate change any more than a couple of cool summer days changes the fact that summer is hot. The long range climate of earth is, in fact getting warmer. Those melting ice caps are not fiction.

From all that I've read, we'll have a lot more to worry about in the coming decades than whether or not to wear a coat. The melting of enormous amounts of ice is raising the ocean levels and many coastal cities will be subject to regular heavy flooding, not to mention the desalination (de-salting) of ocean water and the effect of all this on animal and plant life.

>>It must be tiring to have your friends keep telling you that so-called "global warming" isn't real when the temps dip well below average for an extended period of time. <<

I don't have any friends that stupid.

I'm hoping for a lot of snow. The last three winters have been bitterly cold and dry. I didn't know the thermometer in my car included negative numbers until last winter,

I'm hoping for summer time temps all winter. But I guess I'm dreaming. Last winter really sucked.

Well, I am totally positive about this because Global Warming" is just an hoax. Global Warming is over but get ready to count the natural disaster in the mean time.

It must be tiring for friends to keep explaining that global means worldwide year-round average temperatures.

Nah, I'm Canadian. It's ridiculous to not have snow up here.

my friends are not that stupid

It must be tiring to have your friends keep telling you that so-called "global warming" isn't real when the temps dip well below average for an extended period of time. Are you hoping for a warmer than normal winter this year? Do you wish we get little snowfall, more weird and extreme storms, and less ice on the arctic ice caps just so you can tell your friends your right?