> Why are we experiencing such crazy weather change?

Why are we experiencing such crazy weather change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Why have there been so many natural disasters and weather we don't expect to happen in certain months happen these past years?

Hi James.

There can be couple reasons.

- The first thing is natural changes. Nobody with reasonable mind can expect, that weather will be "plain" for centuries. Weather and biosphere environment is dynamic and unpredictable thing. Enough just few bigger volcano eruptions in short time and climate on whole world can change drastically for decades!

- Consider this - carbon and other stuff was dragged from air, pocketed by living organism and sun (photosynthesis) into earth crust in form of coal, gas and oil. this procedure takes a million of years. A millions! So what you think will happen with climate, when this process is reversed by human hundred thousands times faster??? Do you seriously thinking, that climate can stay unaffected?

- The agriculture change face of world unbelievably. some species of plants growing on enormous fields where never before. those plants have huge effect for evaporation/absorption water, reflecting sunlight and so on. the result is obvious, more rain where never before, or no rain, where it was for a thousands or millions of years before.

some big rivers no longer reach ocean or sea. Colorado River, have steadily declined since the beginning of the 20th century. In most years after 1960 the Colorado River has run dry before reaching the sea. Irrigation and municipal diversions, evaporation from reservoirs, and likely climate change have all contributed to this substantial reduction in flow.

Jordan River - same fate. Dead Sea dying.

Water from south Spain (Almeria) is distributed into supermarkets on whole Europe packet as vegetable. That's mean, this water no longer reach original destination. How do you think, all those things (and much more) can change climate?

- cities. a large areas of concrete, asphalt pave roads, glass and steel. they are like lens for sun. it concentrate and create enormous heat in small area. it change air flow above and around city so drastically, it's can't stay unseen.

- deforestation, pollution, ozone hole case...

all this kicked off natural balance and while somewhere make much warmer climate, on another place make much colder.

all those things above (and much more) happen ONLY within a century! Unbelievable.

So please do not be surprised, that everything going mad. It's not matter just last months, but years. And situation will go worse and worse, you can bet!

Its all because of global warming. The fact that Earth is warmer than it has been in over 25 million years is proof to that.

Where I live we had a hell of a lot more snow and it was much colder than it was last year. This is proof positive that global warming has reversed and we are plummetting directly into an ice age.

There have always been natural disasters and extreme weather, what is different now is media reporting, we get to hear all about extreme events, but historical records show that there are no more extreme events now than normally occur.

Global warming

because we wiped away our forests! The trees maintain the weather stable

were you born yesterday or just never studied history, or flunked history like most warmers

We aren't. Crazy is normal... it's NOT the same every year.

Why have there been so many natural disasters and weather we don't expect to happen in certain months happen these past years?