> All these winter storms and cold?

All these winter storms and cold?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Still haven't quite grasped the concept of "global" have you?

Ask the Australians how they were doing when you had your record lows and snowfalls. And are you suggesting that, because you had high snowfalls, you know what will happen during the rest of the year?

See, the way it works is that you don't form conclusions about the temperature based on what happened in one season. There's also a reason why people refer to it as *global* warming. The word *global* is a hint as to the bit you've misunderstood.

In July a solution (Triple Output) was given to a Hostile Nation, where (Global Teams found the true cause of Global warming/ results of each shut down were= freshwater on top of saltwater from melting Glaciers and Glaciers froze each time we shut it down in late summer/ early fall 2008.) the cause was to and they implemented Triple output to grow 4 times more food to feed their people and at the same time delete Global warming of which I think it did causing in November 28 the Satelites to report ICE accumulation on different parts of Earth since the 1990's. Thus slowly bringing all seasons back to normal so far I hope. Mike

I say it's about 80 degrees at my house today and the nearby mountains hardly had any snow this past winter. I guess I live in a different northern hemisphere.

Warmism is a religion --- and Warmists will never give up. Even if we go into an ice age, Warmists will say that man-made Global Warming caused it.

During this past winter of 2013 there have been record lows and snowfall throughout much of the northern hemisphere. All this snow will create a feedback process that will very gradually lower the average temperatures. What do you say now alarmists? Give up reality is growing.