> Shame on 'Yahoo Answers' for deleting the question: Is Global Warming a Hoax?

Shame on 'Yahoo Answers' for deleting the question: Is Global Warming a Hoax?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Y!A has been going crazy lately.

I got one deleted. This is a copy and paste from the notification:

Deleted Question: Is it really the Sun after all?

Violation Reason: Misuse of the question and answer format

In Yahoo Answers you must phrase questions in question format, and your answer must attempt to answer the question. Questions or answers must be written in a comprehensible way, and must be written in the language specific to the Answers site to which it is uploaded. You may not post conversational content without an attempt to post a meaningful question or answer a question or otherwise misuse the question and answer format.

Ha! Ha! "In Yahoo Answers you must phrase questions in question format" Ha! Ha! This proves Y!A is grammatically challenged along with the doofs that it supports.

We had one PhD on here who asked, "Is this 'xxxxx' question a lie?" Number one. Can a question ever be a lie? Number two. The question 'xxxxx' was a statement.

Someone or some persons at Y!A don't want the truth to come out. This is a multi-billion dollar corporation and it can't hire people with the level of a third grade student. Yet these people can influence government policies. But you have to understand the political climate of Yahoo's headquarters. It is located in San Jose. One of the most un-american cities in the USA. For example, when I lived there, back in the eighties, the town spent $500,000 for the celebration of Cinco De Mayo, and $40,000 for the celebration of the Fourth of July. It is a city where it is illegal to wash your own car. These people at Yahoo live in that environment and it apparently skews their thinking.

So you can clearly see, that the operators of Y!A are morally, ethically, grammatically (at least in English) and scientifically challenged. And are proud of it.

They have corresponded to me directly, telling me that I don't have as much influence as others on this site. Yes they came right out and wrote it. When I publicized that correspondence on Y!A, it got pulled within three minutes.

But is is fun to see them and their minions of sock puppets and derelict scientists strive to keep the hoax afloat. They with all their billions of dollars and intimidation can't make AGW or CC credible, thanks to the reasonable and knowledgeable ones on this site.

I didn't read what stonecutter said, but public opinion doesn't have anything to do with weather something is true or not. I'm guessing you can debate weather gravity is real or the earth is round if you really like. I don't believe either one is true, and I bet I could find others who would say the same thing if I paid enough people to put doubt in uneducated minds.

That really has no bearing on why the question was deleted though- a simple no should have gotten the best answer.

I would say it may have depended on the additional comments made. As this question would also be approaching an "abuse" of Yahoo!Answers as you are using it as a conversationally or discussion with your additional comments.

As posted by someone else the questions must be genuine and the asker must be receptive to genuine answers ... it is not a discussion, it is not a chat, it is not a rant site ... it is ask a question that you want a genuine answer too. I think this is where you will find a lot of these fail (are abuses and reported).

Edit: Yahoo does delete answers if they are reported for abuse and don't meet their guidelines. My reference was more to additional comments, the whole question is removed if the additional comments breach their guidelines.

That is why they have the "report abuse" button on each answer and question ... so it is completely true.

Also as I said it may not have been the question per se, but the additional comments by the asker that resulted in the breach. If the additional comments showed that the asker was not interested in an actual answer but instead was using it as a forum to discuss and rant (that is not listen to any answers that didn't agree with their opinion) then they may have been reported as that would be a "rant" or "chat" and not a genuine question.

When did this happen? I never noticed the question.

May just be unusual bugs in YahooAnswers. One notice was received with no link for appeal.

It was probably automatic with people reporting it.

Global warming alarmists are a bit like religious fanatics. Anyone who doesn't agree with their dogma is considered immoral. Besides, public opinion is turning against the alarmists - if you ask a question like that a lot of people are going to answer 'yes it a hoax and a scam' which alarmists find quite annoying.

@ Stonecutter

What you are saying is technically correct, but totally irrelevant. Human activity will have some effect on climate, just like if I spit in the ocean, it will have some effect on sea level.

The asker needs to appeal the deletion.

Please stop calling yourselves "skeptics". You are not skeptics, you are deniers.

How do you know the asker didn't delete it.

There is NO debate.

All real scientists agree, man made global warming is REAL.

Bring skeptical about it is like being skeptical that the Earth is round.


A question was just submitted by a newer member of the board that ask the question if Global Warming was a HOAX. THAT IS A PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE QUESTION - yet Yahoo Answers in their extreme bias against man-made Global Warming skeptics has deleted it.

Should Yahoo Answers be proud of themselves?
