> It's hot in Australia. Is this because of global warming?

It's hot in Australia. Is this because of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Or is this because it's the middle of summer there? Shouldn't people know the difference between climate and weather by now?

It's hot in Australia. Is this because of global warming? YES

It's cold in North America. Is this because of global warming? YES

This leads us to the official UN Theory of climate: It's xxx in yyy. Is this because of global warming? YES

Summers are hot. Winters are cold and to hell with man made global warming and it's fear mongering!

Yeah, they should, so why did you ask? The reason it's cold here in America is because it's the middle of winter, not global cooling.

It is always hot in Australia, so no.

However according to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, heat waves are all occurring generally about a week early and the extent is longer than observed before, an indication that global warming could be causing Australian summers to start earlier and last longer and if the trend continues, it would be a change in the climate.

I'm betting on seasonal impacts.

PS It's really cold in Nebraska now.

If it is bad, it is global climate change. If it is good, it is weather.



i dont know, mate

Or is this because it's the middle of summer there? Shouldn't people know the difference between climate and weather by now?