> Since global warming is a fact, should predicted climate temperatures be published for the next 50 years?

Since global warming is a fact, should predicted climate temperatures be published for the next 50 years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Man made global warming is not fact and cannot by anyone be proven as fact.There is no proven relationship between CO2 levels and rising temperatures. All the extremist and alarmist have is conjecture, theory, probability and guess work. I'm not trying to sell a bill of goods but you are. The burden of proof is on you and you fail!

To get the right answer you have to ask the right question. Temperatures themselves aren't the point; the point is what is the EFFECT on this planet and the people living on it given the rapid advance of climate change. ALL of the data is solid and the progression is clear. Heat doesn't stay in the atmosphere, most it goes from the warmer atmosphere to a cooler venue such as seawater and ice. The water warms and the ice melts. While this isn't a straight line progression the overall trend is beyond doubt. ALL of the data confirms this. Actually as long as there is a massive amount of ice the excess heat energy in the atmosphere will continue to rise very slowly and may in some years cool... but the trend continues.

Predictions are tough, but scientists are very clear that we're going down a very bad path, and so far, their predictions have been underestimated, i.e., global warming is happening faster than expected. For more into see citizensclimatelobby.org.

Yes global warming is a 'fact'. Carbon is known to have large effects on Earth's climate. If temperatures can be reconstructed, taking all variables into account, over 50 years over 6 month intervals it should be able to be done with or without CO2 increases. Therefor, as you are demanding this of others, why don't you post what temperatures will be over the next 50 years?

While CO2 is known to have effects in the atmosphere the responses to those effects aren't as well known nor are the future of natural cycles. For instance, climate models of the past did not incorporate the PDO. This is why many of them fail to replicate the current 'hiatus'. When the PDO is included in these models it is much closer to reality. This makes it hard to predict temperature variations at 6 month intervals.

Science once said we couldn't leave the Earth, there was no way. It was a fact, scientists knew exactly what combustibles existed and it would never happen. Science has known many "facts" over the years and voila, they get overturned.

They have made such predictions. Realizing how foolish their predictions have been looking lately, they lowered their predictions of medium term global warming. Even this medium term watered down global warming is running hotter than reality.

In only a fact when you're making up ambiguous scare stories, when empirical predictions are required then there's just too many variables so just remember it's scary and only by digging deep in your pockets will you save yourself.

They tried that and it didn't turn out too good. It paused instead. That is the problem when you try to exaggerate science to push your political agenda. Eventually the facts worm their way to the surface.

i'll tell you what is the most disturbing 'fact', and that is, there is active geo-engineering and cloud seeding going on .. there is enough evidence right above your head in the sky with the planes almost spraying daily, there is enough documentation and patents to establish it, yet this is kept secret from the public at large .. to exactly what end is this going on? .. the days of poofy clouds are all but gone and they give us muddy skies that for all we know is increasing the overall global temps .. why? and if its for a beneficial purpose why keep it so quiet and secret .. so denial, yes i deny that there is a natural problem .. and as far as accepting 'published' data who cares and what meaning does it have if they have a covert operation that could threaten our health and food supply that YOU deny or choose to be ignorant of ..

When you have "blogs" like Wikipedia advocating for the "Climate Clown Act" it's no wonder people are inclined to call the science "settled" and believe all of the "psychotic" claims from scientific ELITES!


Clearly the science is in for global warming, scientists know exactly how carbon effects the earths climate. Since co2 increases are rising at a fairly constant rate, shouldn't scientists publish the future predicted climate temperatures for the next 50 years at 6 month intervals? When the deniers see just how accurate the scientific predictions are, they will see just how stupid they are nor not accepting the belief that global warming is real. Right?

That would only be practical if there were no other variables.