> How do we know when climate change is occurring?

How do we know when climate change is occurring?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
E) All of the above, assuming that you are in the Northern Hemisphere.

We don't. Climate Change has never officially been defined, either scientifically or legally. Until the IPCC can pin one down, absolutely no one can say we are in a climate change or not. This vagueness only enhances the con artist's ability to deceive. For instance, Killer bees are coming further North in Texas and killing man and animals. This could be due to climate change, and who can prove that it isn't, since there is no definition of climate change.

The more vague it is, the more con artists can conjure up fear. It is like the bogeyman. Nobody has seen one but a lot of people are afraid of them.

you may never know its a slow process happening over number of years.

sea level rise, increase in average global temperature ,longer growing seasons in temperature forests ,migration of species northward along their range has nothing to do with man made climate change.

climate may even occur because of change in earth positioning in relation to the sun.

change in pattern of migration of bird happen very often.its depends upon availability of food, safety of the birds (common predators humans)and their comfort.

Climate change is a generic term and global warming is a specific term. Climate change would include global cooling and changes in precipitation.

How do we know that global warming is occuring? E, all of the above.

And how is climate change detected?

A) sea level rise

B) increase in average global temperature

C) longer growing seasons in temperature forests

D) migration of species northward along their range

E) all of the above