> Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point ?

Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

So what? Really, so what? What is "crucial" about this?

Does the world end if there's open water at the North Pole?



That was march 2012, we then had a record refreeze in the fall, and at the moment Arctic ice levels are higher than they were at this time last year.

SO NO. and will we have an ice free arctic in the summer of 2013 as predicted. (don't think so)

That article is a year old. You can get a monthly report here : http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/

"December of 2012 saw Northern Hemisphere snow cover at a record high extent, while January 2013 is the sixth-highest snow cover extent on record since 1967."

The Northwest Passage is open again . The Chinese discovered century's ago .

And the arctic was nearly melted in the 1950s .

Nothing new here .

Yes, sad to say, the Artcic will be ice free this year.

What a load of bollox/cobblers, b--lls--t.



Yes, it passed a crucial tipping point in March 2012 and hasn't bounced back at all and now it's all gone.


Are you happy now anti science, lollipop stealing, holocaust deniers? Mother Earth was crying and you just ignored her and now all her white hair is gone. Bastards.

@Pat...FU and your stupid facts that occur in reality. We don't need your stinkin facts to know what's really going on.

this is called the point of no return.

the more ice melts, the hotter the planet gets. soon there will be no ice left during the summer months because of global warming and human pollutants.

i could reiterate the webpage that i am referencing ,but, i think it will benefit you more if you read it yourself.

happy research!!

Good!! If that is the case, then we can stop wasting $$Billions of taxpayer dollars studying it and put the money to better use.....like education.

If the "science is settled", then why spend more money on it!!
