> Why do we still have some record lows in temperature if the earth is warming?

Why do we still have some record lows in temperature if the earth is warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Climate is defined by averaging weather measures. When scientists indicate the climate will be warmer, that doesn't mean that it won't be cold. That means that the warm days and higher temperatures will typically be more than enough to offset the cooler days and cold temperature. Record highs offset record lows. More days of record highs than record lows, and the highs are further above the "average" then the lows are below the average.

You could be right that it could be the weather systems are more messed up than the temps rising IN YOUR CITY. You can't evaluate the average change in the temp of the earth base on what you observe in your city. Australia has had record high temps. You need to measure temps in many places all over the earth, and now, you can also use satellites. The observed temperature values indicate that on average, over the entire earth, temps are rising. It is most pronounced at the poles and mountain tops. The oceans reflect this,. The amount of ice reflect this. Nature reflects this (spring is earlier, for example).



It's called variability or variance.

We have been taking fairly accurate temperature readings for about 100-150 years. That's a short time in climate terms so there are going to be records broken frequently. And the shorter the time frame, like a record low or high maximum temperature for a day, the more frequent (more opportunities plus higher variance).

Now we are in the warmest period over the past 150 years so probability dictates that more high record temperatures will be broken than low ones. The average annual temperature increase has been about 1.4F so the bar is set higher but the variability will go out of range from time time, both ways.


Highest Temperature 111 °F (44 °C) July 9 and 10, 1936 Phoenixville

Lowest Temperature ?42 °F (?41 °C) January 5, 1904 Smethport


In much of the world they don't call it 'global warming' but 'global climate change'. If the AVERAGE temperature is rising, it means that some places will get colder. I live along the West Coast and I would swear it's been getting colder and wetter the last few years, not hotter.

Weather, you know, is made by different air masses coming together--cold and warm air masses, wet and dry masses, high and low pressure. The contrast between these air masses is what causes rain and snow and wind. Well, when the average temperature of the whole atmosphere rises, there's more contrast between hot/cold, dry/wet, low//high pressure. There is more energy in the atmosphere, so there's more weather and stronger weather. It was predicted years ago that we would start seeing bigger hurricanes, for instance, that would do more damage. More and bigger tornadoes. Even blizzards are bigger and nastier because there's more energy in the atmosphere.

One of the easiest (and dumbest) ways to deny global warming is to say 'How could there be global warming when it snowed today?' 8^) (In Buffalo, NY. In January.)




Congrats, you just answered your own question.

It has been much colder than 12 degrees in Pennsylvania Global warming / Climate Change will bring unusual weather to some areas but in general the average global temp is warming. Keep in mind it is winter and you never know what to expect. Weather has always been messed up.

This is a good link to keep up on what is happening monthly either US or global


The key is that we are setting about 10 times as many highs as we are lows. This indicates that the planet as a whole is warming. If it weren't, then we would expect about the same number of each.

I have found you out, you are in the pay of Big Wood.

Because of the jet stream

Learn the difference between global and local for a start, then you won't sound so stupid

Here in south east Pennsylvania, it was about 60 a few weeks ago, which I abnormally high for January. Then this morning it's 12 degrees which is as low as I can remember, and all week the temperatures gonna be sub 20 which might be the coldest week in like 5 years. And two years ago it snowed for the first time ever on Halloween, and about three years ago we had the most snow fall in like over 25 years. We do have random 60 degree days though in the winter though. It seems more like the weather system is messed up rather than the earth temperature rising.

Yea you have more highs than low

Wow... are you really this stupid - or do you have a particular investment in the lies the right wingers are feeding you?

That is a good question. Yes it is just unusual weather. Nothing to do with global warming, which is a hoax.

because cold is the new warm in global warming la la land.