> Carbon Taxes : An Analogy?

Carbon Taxes : An Analogy?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"Are people who support and want carbon taxes the equivalent of turkeys voting for Christmas and Thanksgiving ?"

I am sure that is an argument that would appeal to simpletons

You could also consider that those who support carbon taxes are in fact supporting the free market and understand the economic benefits in pricing a negative externality , as we do with so many other negative externalities.

I dont mind paying taxes as I dont want to build my own roads, start my own schools, arrange my own army, appoint my own air traffic controllers or build my own sewage systems and hospitals etc. Funny old fashioned guy that I am

It could be argued that taxation is actually a form of slavery as in effect your time, labour and pay are taken from you forcibly for the duration of your life although you have never really agreed or signed a contract to that effect.

-------->Answer: I say for countries like US,Japan,Switzerland who are not corrupted,taxes should be there since it's spend rightly and to the right places as per the situations.I live in India and I am against taxes since this country is corrupted like hell and i see poop instead of politician's face.So your answer is both YES and NO depending on country.

Are people who support and want carbon taxes the equivalent of turkeys voting for Christmas and Thanksgiving ?

------------->Answer : That's a hard question.Rich people will not be affected if levied.Since consequences of pollution is now unavoidable,Yes,they are turkeys in suicide mood also i think they are bunch of idiots.Why pay for something which will be more than little slowing down the effects of GW but is unavoidable?

The Government needs money from somewhere, so we should tax things that are bad for society, such as using fuel, smoking or eating too much food. It's fairer than taxing people more for working hard. So a carbon tax could replace income tax, but that doesn't mean that the tax income should be spent subsidising pointless and intrusive wind turbines. There are much better ways of generating low carbon energy, that don't need subsidies.

yes carbon taxes are an excuse for stealing more money from the working class, i hear these mindless masses going on, i don,t have a problem paying my taxes, i have a problem paying for them 10 times over, and its not like its doing any of us any good is it now, its a two way argument between the rich and the working class,,,,,, if your rich you don,t pay any tax, you get it all back in interest, the working class pay for everything, which is why wealthy people or so biest its in there best interest to be, even if your not rich and you agree with paying your taxes then your just a conformist that gets everything you deserve because you keep the criminals in power and cause misery in men women and children everywhere, not that they care about the little people, why would they, there just a bunch of greedy thieving snakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

OMG do you have a conspiratorial paranoid imagination. Each country will handle this differently, but I believe a number of them including the US plan to tax carbon and reduce income taxes so that those using the most carbon will bear the brunt of fighting GW If you aren't a big carbon hog it will barely effect you Industry will bear the brunt of the carbon tax and will give them incentive to capture it.

Are you familiar with the concept of enlightened self-interest?

It's generally used when you do things that require some small cost of you in the short term, but are better for everyone, including you, in the long term, at least if everyone does them. You can think of it as living in such a way that you help create the kind of world you want to live in.

It is in my best interest for the world to get global warming under control. It is also in my best interest for the government to have funds to do things like hire police, build roads, buy school books, and so on. So, it is in my overall, long-term best interest to vote for carbon taxes, even if it is not in my immediate, short-term best interest to pay more for gas and electricity.

It might be possible to argue that. Then again, it is also possible to argue that you should be grateful to pay your taxes in a country that lets you democratically choose your representatives, and provides the collective power to allow you to have a job and live in relative peace and freedom.

People who do not support efforts to control our pollution and carbon emissions are like turkeys who do not realize that Christmas and Thanksgiving are coming.

If you don't like carbon taxes, come up with a better idea.

Carbon taxes??? Why???

There continues to be NO credible, unmanipulated, scientific data that supports the notion of man-made, catastrophic, global warming.....None....Nada.

The Church of Global Warming has been using the old trick of repeating the same lies over and over, hoping that that they can hook the less-educated into their cult.

The Warming Alarmists goal is to keep the taxpayer funded subsidies (Welfare) for research and so-called 'renewable energy' flowing.

It's all about job security, fame and fortune for a group of so-called 'scientists', and those in the industries of providing so-called 'green' products and services.

Let's face it....IF CAGW was a REAL threat, then why would Al Gore....the Messiah of CAGW....live in a huge mansion and ride around in pollution-spewing autos and planes. Make his lying *** pedal a bicycle!

Politicians see the 'Cause' as a lucrative source of tax revenue.....to be used for more entitlement programs aimed at buying more votes.

Please don't fall for this scam!!!

Let's say your next door neighbor dumps toxic waste in your yard, is forcing your neighbor to pay for the problems they've created for you equivalent to making them a slave?

It could be argued that taxation is actually a form of slavery as in effect your time, labour and pay are taken from you forcibly for the duration of your life although you have never really agreed or signed a contract to that effect.

Bearing that in mind :-

Are people who support and want carbon taxes the equivalent of turkeys voting for Christmas and Thanksgiving ?

One of the strange unexpected effects of the carbon cap & trade system is that utilities operating an old coal driven power plant can simply shut it down and make millions of windfall dollars. They get a huge profit and we get blackouts and much higher power bills. Isn't that a great deal?

Carbon taxes aren't about the carbon. It's about raising taxes. And it is about controlling freedom and limiting it.

Snake Oil.

oh! how we laughed!!!