> How might tropical regions become uninhabitable due to global warming?

How might tropical regions become uninhabitable due to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Due to a rise in temperature, how exactly will these places be uninhabitable - the weather? Danger from storms? Agricultural failure?

And what might it be like living there?


Global Warming since 1978 is 0.14 Celsius according to satellite temperature measurements.

Someone is pulling your leg!

Tropical warming is on a warming trend of 0.07 Celsius since 1978.


If a 0.07 C increase of temperature in 35 years in the tropics is of a great concern to you, then you are too sensitive to the "Global Warming" hype.

Here's a Global Warming debate that you might want to consider looking at : http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/20...

What global warming ? Do you mean the global warming that hasn't even happened for over 20 years ?

Oh well if it makes you happy we'll forget the real world and I'll say that every one in the tropics is doomed and it will be like living on the surface of the Sun and all because too many people in the west leave the fridge door open which leads to more destruction causing co2 being released.

The hotter water gets the more energy it will have. This means that the surrounding temperatures will increase as water temperature increases. Since the ice caps are melting there will be a dramatic temperature change. Heat can cause harsher storms, longer droughts and ideal conditions for disease to multiply. Although global warming is becoming more intense many scientists believe that global warming will lead to a global cooling. The reason is that since the ocean has temperature differences, it creates underwater rivers called currents. Currents move warmer waters to cold oceans and vise versa. If all of the water becomes warm enough, currents will completely stop and the ocean will remain still(except for the gravitational pull of the moon and the movement of plate tectonics creating waves and tsunamis). This still water will avoid the cooler water from receiving warm water. This will lead to the cool down of water. Slowly the water will cool and so will the temperature of the atmosphere of Earth.

Never happen. Man will adapt to almost anything.

There is no Global Warming at this time. Phil Jones and James Hansen have had to agree. All this cooling with a rise in CO2


James Hansen, America's top scientist finally admitted that the earth is cooling, then retired to a life of full time Communist activism.

Those 'top scientists' are proven hacks. Here is a real top scientist.

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

I bet you never heard of him. I bet you never heard of the 31,000 scientists who signed a petition disagreeing with the AGW theory.

There is no AGW! That should be good news to a sane person. What is the matter with you?

Tropical regions could become uninhabitable due to global warming because of gas flaring by oil companies, deforestation and water channels dragging by man if something is not urgently done within those areas.Rising temperature in the morning contrary to previous years could best describe the experiences.

It is known that tropical areas are less effected by climate change, because of the huge evaporation of water that happens in tropical belts, as temperatures rise much more water vapor is sent to the atmosphere, causing more intense and higher clouds (which have a cooling effect) this increased vapor and clouds cause increased convection currents which spread the heat to sub tropical and temperate areas. so our planet gets warmer but the tropics pretty much stay the same.

I don't think that the tropics are a big concern as far a global warming is concerned. As denialists love to point out, Earth has been much warmer in the past and was able to support life. The big concerns are drought, desertification and rising sea levels due to melting ice.

I just looked at a map and it looks like about 80% of the tropics are already uninhabitable

Rise of 0.6 of 1 degree? (Disputed)

That's going to make the tropics uninhabitable?

Who's kidding who?

Terrible tidal waves in The Sahara.

Due to a rise in temperature, how exactly will these places be uninhabitable - the weather? Danger from storms? Agricultural failure?

And what might it be like living there?

well tropical storms would get massive because of the rising sea temps, and the temperature would literally get too hot to bare. CO2 levels would also rise making it impossible to breathe. This would become a reality to many places in less than 100 years if we don't do something about it.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle