> Has so called Global Warming caused LESS extreme weather?

Has so called Global Warming caused LESS extreme weather?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Florida: Record Nine Years Have Passed Without A Hurricane Landfall


As any alarmist can tell you, AGW is only responsible for bad things that happen, never good things. If something positive happens then it was due to natural factors masking the effects of CAGW.

When 4 hurricanes in one year hit Florida, this was clearly caused by so-called "global warming" and we needed to act right away to resolve the problem because the consensus on 97% of global warming "scientists" believed that this would be a common occurrence. Now that no hurricanes are forming in the Atlantic, this too is cause by so-called "global warming" and confirmed by a majority vote of 97% of global warming "scientists". Proving once again that global warming "scientists" are very accurate in making predictions on events that have already happened.

Well there are two theories one says, more warmth more energy so more hurricanes, the other says more warmth means warmer at the poles, and less temperature gradient between equatorial regions and polar regions.

All I know is during the Little Ice Age some horrendous storms and extreme weather were recorded.

That will be there next claim, at least until the next hurricane hits.

Florida: Record Nine Years Have Passed Without A Hurricane Landfall
