> Is Global warming is a carbon tax scam?

Is Global warming is a carbon tax scam?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Yes, and it was an incredibly devious scam, since it was hatched by 19th century scientists. They got their descendants to fake the Keeling Curve, showing inexorable rise of CO2, as well as to fake the rise in global temperature, as well as the melting of the arctic sea ice and alpine glaciers around the world.

They also got Clausius and Clapeyron to publish that crazy equation that shows the equilibrium vapor pressure of water going up with temperature, AND they faked the laws of radiative transfer.

Yes, it's truly an elaborate scam.

EDIT: I don't think I've ever agreed with Pindar more than with his answer to this question:

Q. Is Global warming is a carbon tax scam?

Pindar's Answer: "it's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain that it is."

It's those of us with whole brains that think it is a real problem.

It's always been a smokescreen to scare people into paying more meaningless, nonrepresentative taxes and establishing an even bigger, more centralized government.

Global warming started of as a serious question, but along the way it has become hijacked by all and sundry to further there own purposes, it is no longer a science question but now a political cause.

Yes the carbon tax is a scam , come on ,we are a carbon life form . This is one big scam that has brought in billions of dollars to some of the biggest scum. The green movement is another big scam as is the Green house theory . Their is no fact behind any of it . Just money .

Climate change is accepted within the scientific community, but it is manipulated by governments, industries, and the media for personal gain.

Yep, it sure is !!

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Absolutely not. For one thing, tax scams do not go on for over a century before anyone even passes a tax. And tax scams collapse as soon as the tax is rejected.

No, Governments don't need an excuse to impose taxes, they just do it

It's very possible

it's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain that it is.
