> How to change 3/4 to twelfths?

How to change 3/4 to twelfths?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Multiply both sides of the fraction by 3.

3/4 = 9/12

Make the bottom part of the fraction a 12 and whatever you had to multiply to 4 to get that you multiply the 3 by the same number, so 3X3 = 9. Bingo, 9 over twelve.

When dealing with fractions you must have common denominators.

To change 4 to 12 you could multiply by three but that would change the value. Instead, you will be multiplying 3/4 by a value of 1, so the value will always remain the same.

Simply multiply 3/4 by 3/3 to get 9/12. Remember to multiply the numerators together and the denominators together, so 3x3 and 4x3.

Hope this helps.

9/12 is a divisible fraction.Other than dividing a piece of pie into 12 pieces,it has no real world purpose.It will always be 3/4.I could get more technical,but is really has no purpose when dealing with fractional equations.

Multiply the denominator and numerator by a number that makes the denominator = 12.

Multiply the numerator and the denominator by 3.

Answer (3*3)/(3*4) or 9/12.

This just once again goes to show that global warming will kill us all. Why worry about math when we are all going to die, because we can't adapt to 0.8 degrees of change?

? must be a democrat, if you are to stupid to figure out fractions, then you must be part of the 51% that doesn't know the earth goes around the sun once in a year

Write 50/12 as a mix number
