> Why is global warming bad?

Why is global warming bad?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A warmer cliamte has both positives and negatives. We would lose parts of our coastline. Further, there can be issues with water management. On the positve note, trees and otehr plant life grow better in warmers conditions. Also farming would be increased with more farming further north and at higher elevations.

There MAY be an increase in extreme weather with more energy in the system, but given that after all of the carbon we have added to the atmosphere thus far has caused no measurable increase in extreme weather events, it is doubtful it will be much.

Large temp changes could be more of a problem, but some warming is likely to be more positve than negative. The temperature seems to be increasing in a linear manner at a slow pace, giving us plenty of time. We can work towards smart solutions and not panicked idiotic tax solutions.

It melted all the Ice. Global Warming was an invasion from A Alien from outer space. By Melting all the ice like it almost did, alot of Polar bears drowned and loss of life of Seals, Penguins, Dalphins, Porposes, etc. By the oceans rising, most large fish could'nt find food and alot starved and according to underwater cameras the ALIEN UFO'S kept bumping into whales, so they killed a lot of whales to clear the oceans. Also as it got warmer then all greenery would turn brown and fires would consumes all vegetation, so it had to be stopped. As of 11/28/2012 Global Warming ceased to exist. Mike


Look up positive feedback in nature. Our polar Ice caps reflect the sun's rays but with the climate getting warmer it warms the oceans. The oceans getting warmer melts the ice and there is less ice to reflect the rays of the warming sun and more surface space for the oceans to absorb the heat which makes the earth warmer and the increased co2 traps the heat that would normally go into space. The trapped heat will have a negative impact on crops and vegetation and vegetation produces oxygen for animals to breathe and we will have no vegetation or meat and we would starve to death.

I think whoever posted that was... overly optimistic, at best.

The main reason global warming is a problem is roughly the same reason that global cooling, at the same rate, would be a problem. Very fast, dramatic climate change is difficult to adapt to.

Most organisms live in the climate they can tolerate best (either their optimum, or a climate with some feature that their competitors or predators can't tolerate but they can), and changes in climate will change those optimums. Not all organisms will be able to move or otherwise adapt.

Our farms, harbors, transportation systems, and so on are all structured on the assumption that our coastlines, optimum growing regions, et cetera will be roughly where they have been in the past. If those things change significantly, then we'll have a lot of infrastructure in the wrong place, and often not enough infrastructure in the right place. That costs a lot of resources that would be better spent doing other things, like curing cancer or inventing faster computers. And so on.

Even if someone does not know anything about the climate or science, it is still possible to get a reasonable estimate on the scale of good vs. not-good outcomes.

Name a system – a car engine, a manufacturing system, whatever – that you think would work better if you randomly changed parts or just whacked it with a hammer every day (OK maybe that would not do the government any harm – but you get the point.) Things almost never improve by accident because entropy doesn’t work that way.

Okay I didn't read all of that because I couldn't be bothered (sorry) but I'm reading a great book at the moment called 'we are the weather makers' by Tim Flannery. If the Earth heats excessively it will melt the icecaps and currently the icecaps radiate 90% of sunlight back out of the earth's atmosphere. But if they dissapear the climate will continue to rise and if the icecaps melt completely there will be no home for the animals that currently inhabit the areas. The bigger issue is not so much with the temperature but with the levels of carbon dioxide in the atomosphere. With too much CO2 in the air the ocean absorbs it and it causes thinning of animal shells and bleaching of coral reefs. In conclusion, this is just a snippet of the potential disasters related to global warming.

The heat wave in Europe in 2003 killed 70,000 people. The heat wave in Russia in 2010 killed 50,000 people. Super-storm Sandy in 2012 did not cause so many deaths -- especially compared storms that regularly hit the Caribbean -- but the damage was about $70 Billion -- with a B -- because of the high storm surge and the unusual pattern. These are events that would likely have not happened without the warming of the atmosphere.

Even if someone does not know anything about the climate or science, it is still possible to get a reasonable estimate on the scale of good vs. not-good outcomes.

It is bad because it is continously harming the life of animals and mammals living in ice cold region whereas it is also harming the small plants buy evaporating the water given to it.It also disturbs the atmospheric balance of gasses.

Think of human life as the seeds for something like our concept of artificial life that we will create an form of. It will reproduce itself to be more efficent in future generations. Unless life is pointless, they give up, and then we win!?

I was searching the net trying to find realistic answers to what would happen in a warmer world, of course there were a huge amount of dire predictions and then I found this answer.


A rather novel explanation I thought.

the heat wave in Europe in 2003 killed 70,000 people. The heat wave in Russia in 2010 killed 50,000 people. Super-storm Sandy in 2012 did not cause so many deaths -- especially compared storms that regularly hit the Caribbean -- but the damage was about $70 Billion -- with a B -- because of the high storm surge and the unusual pattern. These are events that would likely have not happened without the warming of the atmosphere.

it's good for people

because it is affecting the ecosystem and our atmosphere badly..