> Is climate change good for the economy?

Is climate change good for the economy?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
and how?

Warming can be good for the economy.

1. Approximately 2/3 of all energy used in North America is used for heating. A warming world would mean money time and effort used to support basic heat could be used for other things. More money in your pocket is ALWAYS good for the economy.

2. A warming world with higher CO2 concentrations means both that farming belts move farther north (More agricultural land available) but also mean longer growing seasons and higher production rates per acre.

3. Generally people get outside and enjoy life more when you have warm weather versus cold weather. Thus in a warming world people play more and this energizes the economy.

It depends. If it causes a sea level rise that floods major coastal cities that will be really expensive. If warmer weather makes a longer growing season that will be a benefit. If the warming causes droughts and or floods that will reduce food production. And even if the benefits outweigh the problems, the people impacted by the problems will be really mad which will cause political problems, including riots or even wars, even if on average the world is better off. So really the safest and probably cheapest course of action is trying to stop doing what we are doing to the atmosphere, which is adding massive amounts of CO2 to it every year.


f you like solar power, why do you deny AGW. It is supported by evidence that global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


Agricultural food productions are increasing faster than population rise, global vegetation is increasing by up to 14% (even taking deforestation into account) as shown by satellite imaging, the world is becoming a greener and a more pleasant place. http://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress...

Generally man and creatures thrive in a warmer world and suffer from famine and disease in colder periods.

It is good for politicians. If they can convince you to turn over your Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights to them to use to tax you and dictate your actions, they will be Very happy to spend it foolishly, support Their friends, and cause More problems for the environment since they have no real Scientific knowledge and no proven ability to make wise decisions.

Lower heating bills, more usable farm land, lower transportation costs and distances, fresher fruits and veggies, more homes could use solar as a practical energy alternative, people would be healthier with more sun.

No. It could cause a World Depression

no alltime climate chage is not good for the economy.

Only for the tax man

yes, re-building the energy systems will create a lot of jobs.

and how?