> Is it possible to change a cars tax band?

Is it possible to change a cars tax band?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I was just wondering if you fitted a device to your exhaust to capture the co2 would it be possible to get a car re-banded to reduce the car tax (UK)?

Any garage that does MOTs would be able to check omission levels , you would need to contact the DVLA regarding changing a band, no doubt they would want to check it themselves, you may find the cost of doing all this won't save you any money..

I think a vehciles tax band is linked to the manufactures declared emmisions which is then printed on your V5 (registration document).

Getting information changed on your V5 is tricky even for reltivly simple things like the vehicles colour.

Your could ring the DVLA and ask . . . .

During your next MOT, mention that you've had your exhaust modified to lower emissions. They can then test your cars emissions. Then, if its low enough, you'll move down a tax-band!


Not at all.

no i don't thinks so

I was just wondering if you fitted a device to your exhaust to capture the co2 would it be possible to get a car re-banded to reduce the car tax (UK)?