> Can wood swell in humid climate?

Can wood swell in humid climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well Andrea, you’ll be pleased to know that you’re correct.

When wood dries out the fibres become taught and this causes the wood to contract a little. If the wood becomes wet, or the air is humid, some of the moisture is absorbed by the wood causing it to expand a little.

I will also expand slightly when it’s hot (and contract when it’s cool), when you have hot and humid conditions working together then the problem is compounded.

Because your door has swollen it suggests moisture has penetrated the wood, this isn’t good for the door and in time it can rot. Wait until the door is completely dry then paint it or apply a waterproofing treatment so as to keep moisture out.

Yes, wood can get swollen due to humidity. Here's a link that can tell you all about it http://www.ukuleles.com/Technology/humid...

Because you live in Florida, the heat can also contribute to the swelling.

It is very common knowledge except with your friends. I don't know if that is why your door is stuck but humidity will definitely cause wood to swell. It may be swelling from wood in the door frame or wall as well. I just came back from vacation in Florida, when the tropical storm hit, and I think I swelled as well. As a southern Californian, that humidity is tough to take.

absolutely correct. You can try to seal it when it is dry, and that may help some, but wood shrinks and swells with the humidity. It has always been that way and why engineered, dimensionally stable wood is now often used for floors and such.

You get the last laugh. You are exactly right. I have lived in most of the US states and it is common knowledge all over. There is also some actions due to the temperature without the water . However, ask any forester, they cure 'green' wood by drying it, if they didn't do that buildings have tipped slightly in the past. Go to any wood producing area and you will see drying kilns.

Also I live in Kentucky. Bourbon manufacturing relies on this 'breathing'. It is one of the many aspects of aging bourbon.

You must have hicks for friends.

Yes - my shed door is a PITA to close at the moment as the wood is swollen!

You are right, they are wrong. Wood does swell with humidity!

yes , soft wood can expand up to 10%

not you or your dumb friends

none of you is at all dumb

but the carpenter who fitted the doors

in the first place-now he is def dumb

they usually allow for expansion compensation

when measuring and fitting

seems this was left out- and now so are you

Ok my friends are laughing at me. We live in florida. Its really humid and our old front door is suddenly stuck. I said its swollen due to humidity and they are laughing their butts off. Am i dumb or r they?