> Does anybody besides me feel a sense of impending doom for America ?

Does anybody besides me feel a sense of impending doom for America ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Your delusional outlook is based on you watching too much TV and getting your information from unreliable sources.

1) The debt of our nation was (and is) secured by income taxes in 1913 (The Federal Reserve Act of 1913). This gave our Government the right to spend whatever they wanted as long as our economy was maintaining an income tax base. The Federal Reserve System needs to be abolished because it is too easy to finance debt. When you understand that the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned and is the main cause of our debt crises, only then will you realize that this system needs to be abolished. The Government will then no longer be able to use income taxes to put us further in debt. (Why do you think banks bailed us out (Our Government didn't bail out the banks. The banks were instructed by our Government to buy bonds to finance the bail-out of our Government debt (that only increased our debt). The tricky part is understanding that banks (The Federal Reserve System) are the ones who control our banking system and "that" is controlled by independent financiers. There's a lot of history that backs up what I am saying here.

2) Fossil fuel reserves along with coal and natural gas are still very plentiful. 300 years is the current estimate and that is just in the U.S.. I do believe we can use all sources (wind, solar, bio-fuels, geothermal, etc .......) to continue forward. The idea in my head is to help people be smart about using energy that they "pay for". (I don't believe in "free rides" because you don't understand). the Planet made fossil fuels, therefore it will make it again and again. Scientists will try and tell you that CO2 is bad, but upon further research, they are finding that CO2 in our atmosphere and in our oceans is very beneficial.

3) If you think a 1% increase in temperature in the past 150 years is causing the climate to change drastically, then I think you are too sensitive to misinformation on the subject. Try a little harder at gaining the facts before you jump to conclusions about adverse effects caused by humans. There is a natural cause of warming as we know from the 1997-1998 Natural El Nino Event that caused the planet to warm by 1% on its own.

4) Oil, coal, and natural gas (hint: "natural") come from dead material. We have only brought it back to life and use it to help ourselves "move-about" more efficiently.

Please research the matters on your own. Al Gore has already made "Anthropogenic Climate Change" advocates look stupid enough. We found out that he is all about the $.


I just saw a cloud go by and it made me think about how big the planet is. The cloud was probably 1 mile wide 1 mile long and 1 mile thick. It reminded me about how big the world really is and that people (mathematically) were the size of 1/3rd of that cloud. I watched it go over my head and wondered about the concept of how big we really are again. Causing "Global Warming" is a lot farther from our achievements than most people think. Observations of specific happenings can always be misconstrued. Science use to mean "the study of" something. Let's not jump to conclusions based on someone else's assumptions or assertions.

1. You're right. All we can do individually is make sure we're out of debt or paying down our debt as fast as possible.

2. Right again, but there are no energy sources that are as efficient as oil, and the so-called unconventional oils are either over-hyped (shale oil) or so uneconomical that they are nothing but a pipe dream (i.e. oil shale and tar sands). What we need to do is power down - move to a small well insulated home that's cheap to heat and cool, make sure it's close (5 miles or less) to plenty of employment opportunities and amenities. Stop driving a 2-ton vehicle - it doesn't matter whether it's gasoline or electric powered - all that energy comes from fossil fuels.

3. Right again. The answer, once again, is to reduce your energy needs. Commute by bicycle, get a smart thermostat, insulate your home. The lower your energy bill, the more you're doing to solve the problem.

4. If we do all of the above (things that we ought to do even if there is no problem), our grandkids will have reason to thank us. If we continue with business as usual, if we're lucky, they'll be dead from childhood diseases and malnutrition before they realize who sold them down the river. Of course, we'll probably be dead first anyway - poverty, malnutrition etc., do not favor the old.

Hard times have always been around for someone. Hard times will be around in the future for many more. Politicians lining their pockets with money from companies, not even pretending to address an issue when you write to them, and worried only about maintaining their position of power over us has led to so much corruption that an eventual fall is almost inevitable. Such a fall is still a good distance into the future because people have become sheep to what is going on around them.

The real problem is that people have not only become sheep they have also encouraged it. Back in the 60s if people had discovered that their government was spying on them heads would have rolled. Now people say "it's a good thing". Nothing to worry about. Nothing to see here, move along. I'm sure it's good for us if the government says so.

For the most part if something isn't directly affecting someone at this very moment that is causing them pain they will ignore it. Not only will they ignore it they will also put down anyone trying to open their eyes about it. They want you to go away and not bother them. We are doomed.

Many who do worry about such things are quietly preparing. Often labeled as "doomsday preppers" and "fruitcakes" they are putting away food and switching over to solar panels. They are planting gardens and paying off their bills. The TV show only deals with extremists but polls show that up to 38% of the population are doing very similar things and being very quiet about it. No one wants to be called a nut.

Frankly I don't even think it's possible to stop most of the problems that are coming down the road. We've put things off far too long to fix it now. It's like someone trying to dig a storm shelter with a tornado only a mile away.

1. That was due to 2 things. War and the "Entitled" attitude of the people and congress to get the votes threw money at them for the votes.

2. Oil, did you know that oil is NOT a one shot deal? You can go back to old wells and still pull out oil. It's a "Naturally" occurring thing which scientists are now realizing.

3. Well, we want to get where we are going faster. Long gone are the days of cheap fun travel...

4. I don't worry, I don't have any.

1) Yes that is scarey. But we still have enough money to give $100,000,000,000 to the UN for global warming. Yet there are no results from that money.

2) There is more oil than you think. The North Dakota and Canada find almost doubled our capacity of oil. It will last a long long time. Your great great great grand kids will still have nothing to worry about.

3) The earth as been cooling for over a decade.


Now why don't you ever hear about it? Because there are forces that want you to be afraid. Then they can control you.

Quote by Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

4) If you keep electing people who lie to you and take your money, your grand children will have every right to kick you in the pants.


I am very happy not to be an American and not live in the US, your policies are crazy if you spend more than you earn you will go bankrupt, every family and company knows that, you worry about climate change when there is no climate change, and squander money on green power that is not working, you impose restrictions on real energy (without energy there can be no progress no prosperity) you out source CO2 and jobs to asian countries.

Your grandchildren will hate you not because of the climate/environment because you left them poor and impoverished.

I worry about the debt but as Maxx said, the rest is bogus.

Currently, the US is top of the heap. People move there to do great things - just as they moved to Athens, Rome, Italy, England, France, Spain etc in former times. In the not too distant future China will overtake the US as the place to be. It's economy will be larger and its people richer.

The UK was close to the top of the heap in the 19th century but is now a shadow of its former self. That is the future for the US. It will still go to all the big meetings but the BRIC countries will make the decisions. When the US becomes an "also ran", then China, which is a major owner of the debt, may decide it wants its money back.

I also worry about the future of the U.S., mostly because there are so many people that devalue education and instead put their faith in superstition instead. It's actually worse than superstition, because many people believe things that are demonstrably wrong. That's easily seen where people attempt to pin global warming on anything but those things that have scientific evidence for them. The economic policies are similar, where many people are advocating financial strategies that have already been demonstrated to be ineffective or even counterproductive. It's much more effective to reduce debt in a growing economy--it is virtually impossible to cut debt by keeping people out of work, but that's what you'll find people like Tea Partiers advocating.

We will get through this some how , Some good people are still out hear . Look close and you will find some. We will make it no matter how hard they try to stop us.

Our grandkids are going to kill us for being soooo stupid with such important resources.

I doubt it somehow, you'll already be dead.

I am scared.

1) $16,000,000,000,000.00 in Federal debt that has to eventually be repaid by "We the People" and we still haven't been able to even balance the current Federal Budget. If it were a Company, the Stockholders (We the People) would be furious and out for blood !!

2) Peak Oil. The cheap , easy to get oil is used up and will now be harder and harder to get and lots more expensive. It will soon be time to switch over to another source of energy and we STILL aren't working very hard on it. The Peak Oil people say its already too late and we are going to suffer really bad as a result.

3) Climate Change. We have already done irreparable (in our lifetimes) damage to the climate and its getting hotter and hotter all the time.

4) Our grandkids are going to kill us for being soooo stupid with such important resources.

The National Debt is a legitimate concern.

The rest of it is bogus.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Well the democrats are in charge .

2.3.4. Peak oil might not be true . 3 is not true .

I am confident that Trevor will lead us to happiness and prosperity.