> Is it logical that anyone would trust 75 unnamed 'scientists' whose credentials are questionable over 31,000 cle

Is it logical that anyone would trust 75 unnamed 'scientists' whose credentials are questionable over 31,000 cle

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Logic is not compatible with the green religion.

They aren't "clearly identified scientists", many of them are not scientists at all, and for all but a handful they're outside their field of expertise.

I really don't care, concensus has nothing to do with science, when anything new is dicovered concensus is nearly always against it.

Concensus means nothing facts and evidence are what count.

There is no man made global warming. I don't have to trust anyone.

Obviously, the Spice Girls know much more about climate science than actual climate scientists....in your 6,000 year old World.

Every baptist with a college degree is a "scientist" according to the right wing.

yes. better than fake oregon petetion with the spice girlrs and fictional M*A*s*H doctoctor hawkeye peirce.