> Does reporting my global warming posts make deniers feel good?

Does reporting my global warming posts make deniers feel good?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Is the intent to make me post less?

Is the intent to make me think that global warming deniers are more honest?

Yes. They feel good about parading their ignorance, shutting down people who are demonstrably smarter than them, and all such things they couldn't get away with in the science classes these geezers flunked decades ago. Above, they feel righteously indignant being able to lie like blazes about how science is actually just a liberal plot, so they are the "true scientists" [who don't know what a percentage is, or the difference between trend and variation, or average and dispersion, or stock and flow] saving America from the high taxes that have turned Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands in Stalinist slave camps (by copy pasting like mad from anti-science crap on Wattsup which they are incapable of ever understanding).

Why report them? It's fun to watch you step in it just as most everyone does when they think they "know" how the climate is working for or against them. I doubt that "global warming/climate change deniers" will be affected by your questions, but it seems that your feelings might take a hit from being "denied" by someone who takes "offense" at your questions and/or answers.

Taking it "personally" just shows how "climate sensitive" you are with the issue. As always, alarmists make this an emotional issue more than it has to do with the science.

I have reported a few questions those that include spam, or are violently abusive, but I have never flagged any of yours and wouldn't and anyway most of your question's are fairly weak, giving us skeptics lots of opportunity to lay good arguments against AGW.

Probably not. Deniers are tacitly admitting that they are wrong by deleting posts. Maybe they feel less bad about being ignorant.

that and purposing asking questions with the intent of picking a best answer from someone who agrees with them. They aren't here to learn.

No, your posts border on lunacy and it is best for your fellow men to see what a crackpot you are. It is rather humorous to see one who claims to be so smart flounder in the cesspool of ignorance then be proud to display it.

It happens to me too. I do tend to mock alarmists and I guess it hurts their widdle feewings. I guess some people don't like opposing viewpoints to their own and have to attempt to silence them. It is pretty pathetic if you ask me. I respect your right to your own opinion no matter how misguided and ignorant it may be.

I am not aware of any of your posts having warranted a report.

Pretty cheesy in my opinion.

to stand with global warming is to stand with thaws that have committed perjury ,yes to submit falls testimony to congress is perjury and why yes they are being charged .....funny how fraud gets taken care of . and how long will it take for my response to be hidden .

reporting on what basis? maybe they feel entitled to own the forum

Is the intent to make me post less?

Is the intent to make me think that global warming deniers are more honest?

I'm not the one reporting you, if that's what you think. Post away linlyons, have fun.


it gives them a hard on

