> Is this an example of climate change propaganda?

Is this an example of climate change propaganda?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes, it's a perfect example of the kind of propaganda the Alarmists constantly spout. It shows some examples of bad weather with some very intense 'catastrophe music" playing loudly in the background. Lots of drama --- but no facts to support that human activity has anything to do with it. This kind of propaganda is pointed at children and the soccer moms that don't have the ability or time to investigate anything for themselves.

The videos below however are NOT propaganda, they are just the plain facts presented by some of the world's top climate scientists that are boldly putting their reputations on the line with the statements they make.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Clearly someone has done some extrapolations from a climate model.

Maybe you noted that the contributors were people from a dozen different countries.

It's surely not because the US government is handing out grants.

I have criticized Al Gore for always using the most extreme example.

If I had to guess, what was depicted in the video will happen, but I don't know if it will be that soon.

It will be interesting to see the answer that you like.

It'll show your colors pretty clearly.

Yes but its not very good.

This type of doom & gloom proselytizing was practiced by itinerant preachers in 1950's religious revival camp meetings.

The technique was so over done that it eventually became a cliche & is now universally ignored.

Due to numerous wildly inaccurate AGW predictions the same process is currently happening to all fields of science.

Lets hope we never have a scientific warning we actually need to take action on, as it will automatically be scoffed at & ignored just like your current example.

This is the trash idiocy I have been talking about. These people are SOO STUPID. They claim to care about the environment and this is the idiocy they pull???

Does anyone believe that we can get our emissions significantly down in the next 10 years??? I ask this for one simple reason. The crazy predictions being made are NOT going to happen. When people figure out that they are not going to happen, people will start to doubt the "scientists" making the predictions and not want to spend one red cent to "reduce CO2".

I do not understand why it is so hard for the warmers to see that LYING is not a good policy.

It clearly is the cultist doctrine. No scientist could possibly buy into this sort of drivel. Even our self proclaimed climate scientists would probably only call this a worst case scenario instead of accurately pointing out it is pure garbage. I know I am biased but I also know garbage when I smell it.

They cant predict next week or 100 years .

Its just like that SI sfi series on HBO and that Discovery channel 2100 propaganda starring nobody

W-o-o-o-o! Dat weally scares me!

Let's just pretend that the models actually work and have given us good news. Otherwise, they are just presenting a realistic possible scenario.

If someone posted some rosy weather forecasts for 2050, would you call it skeptic propaganda?

What is climate change?

A cyclic temperature change that increases (on average) the temperature of the air and sea at Earth's surface.For the past 2,000 years global warming has been the rule not the exception. Global warming and cooling cycles have occurred throughout earth's existence.

Whether man's unwise pollution of the air and sea is exacerbating the cycle is very hard to prove or disprove.Can someone tell if it's a natural cycle,started or accelerated by man pretty much impossible.

Either way; Why not reuse and recycle? Limit pollution and poisonous gas emissions. Plant trees and reduce your carbon footprint? That makes sense doesn't it?

People that say the planet isn't warming up at present just aren't thinking logically.

The more black that these charts use, the scarier they are to the believers. Believers tend to be more scared of blacks.

Exhibit 1 - The media article: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/01/un-weather-forecasts-2050-climate-change-floods-drought

Exhibit 2 - The Youtube teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbne3q9Xers

Exhibit 3 - The list of "weather reports from the future": http://www.wmo.int/media/climatechangeimpact.html

Why buys into this stuff? Better yet, who paid for this?