> When the ozone layer is gone and also the stratosphere with it could a great spot form on account of the vertical mixing

When the ozone layer is gone and also the stratosphere with it could a great spot form on account of the vertical mixing

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The ozone layer will not be gone. It might be too thin to support life on the surface of the Earth, but it will heal after we are gone.

The stratosphere is so named because of nitrogen and oxygen absorbing short wave (energetic) UV from the Sun, as atmospheric density increases. This produces a temperature gradient that gets hotter with increasing altitude. Unless we lose atmosphere (like Mars), we will always have a stratosphere.

Unless we gain a LOT of atmosphere, we will never have a "great spot" that lasts.

When the ozone layer is gone (in 4 billion years when our Sun turns to a Red Giant) and also the stratosphere with it could a great spot form on account of the vertical mixings

No, the earth will be contained within the sun by the time that happens.

Interesting how you make Ozone guy look rational. That doesn't happen that often.

Earth's atmosphere is more than just the air we breathe. It's also a buffer that keeps us from that peppered from meteorites, and display of deadly radiation, and the cause of radio waves can be bounced over long distances around the planet.

It consists air that achieves all of this five main layers.

Troposphere is the lowest layer, which is the layer that provides most of our weather. It contains about four-fifths of the land the air, but extends only to a height of about 11 miles (17 kilometers) at the equator and somewhat less at the poles.

The name comes from the Greek word that refers to mixing. The mixing is exactly what is happening inside the troposphere, and the warm air rises to form clouds, rain falls, the wind moving the land below. Usually, whenever you go in the troposphere, and it gets cooler.

Above the troposphere, the stratosphere. It extends to a height of about 30 miles (50 kilometers) and include the ozone layer, which blocks much of the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Stratosphere is warmer than the troposphere because of the energy of ultraviolet rays which are absorbed by the ozone layer. At its base, the stratosphere is extremely cold, about -110 degrees Fahrenheit (-80 degrees Celsius). At its peak, the temperature rose to nearly freezing.

Followed by a cover East. In this layer, and the air temperature falls again, down to nearly -180 degrees Fahrenheit (-120 degrees Celsius) at the top. Meteors generally burn up in the casing East, which extends to a height of about 52 miles (85 kilometers). This is the reason it is not destroyed by the Earth's surface with meteor craters, such as the surface of the moon.

Log in Outer Space

Casing above the East is the ionosphere. It extends to about 430 miles (690 kilometers) and is very thin and is generally considered a part of the outer space. International Space Station and many satellites orbit within the ionosphere.

Called ionospheric ions that have been created within this class of active particles from the sun and outer space. These ions create an electrical layer that reflects radio waves, allowing the radio messages to be sent across the ocean in the days leading up to communications satellites. Electrical displays in the ionosphere also create Twilight called northern and southern lights.

Beyond the ionosphere lies exosphere. This is a fragile part of the Earth's atmosphere extends to the outside even interacts with the solar wind. Solar storms pressure exosphere. When the sun is quiet, and this layer extends further from the outside. In the higher ranges of 620 miles (1000 kilometers) to 6214 miles (10,000 kilometers) above the surface, where it merges with the interplanetary space

The ozone layer was an environmental concern of the 70's and 80's and was successfully addressed by the Montreal Accord. Ozone levels have since been increasing. However the measures taken in the protocol replaces commercial chemicals with alternatives that are much stronger greenhouse gases hence we unwittingly adopted measures which contribute to our current environmental concern. You are mixing up different environmental issues as well as posturing a ridiculous hypothesis of vertical mixings.

As long as we have oxygen in our atmosphere, and ultraviolet in the solar radiation, there will be ozone, ozone in the stratosphere is produced by a reaction of oxygen to UV, different chemicals may weaken the ozone layer, but not eliminate it.

Eccl. 1:4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. KJV

We have God's promise that nothing like that will ever happen. So sleep tight and enjoy life.