> Does it matter if so-called "global warming" is real or not?

Does it matter if so-called "global warming" is real or not?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
To your arugment, it does matter. IFFF the biggest problem we face is global warming, then presumably the method of dealing with it is through CO2 emission reductions. This in no way means that we will not be polluting the planet in other ways. Indeed, some non-solutions may be worse for the environment than CO2 solutions.

Tax solutions themselves tend to have dual effects. One can say that is reduces consumption, but it also redirects funds from efforts that may be having a beneficial impact.

Whatever the case may be, the best decisions we can make are informed decisions. Currently, AGW is being exaggerated to a point that people are no longer truly informed.

Rather than just accepting what our leaders are telling us, let's show some leadership ourselves by accepting reality.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


I agree with your major premise, that we should care for Mother Earth as if we lived there. However, accepting what out "leaders" are telling us, blindly and without thinking about it, is how we got denialists in the first place. Polluting industries can afford to pour money into disinformation and there are enough scientists needing jobs that the propaganda can be passed off as reasoned scientific opinion.

Of course it does, this world has many problems that need fixing, poverty, disease, deforestation, environment loss, all the time this exaggerated concern about CO2 is diverting attention and trillions of $$$ away from problems we can do something about.

We should. But that, it is quite impossible now... The world is a disgusting place, it used to be once natural and pure, but over time and people destroying it, it has came to this, and I believe it will only get worser and worser.

it matters as to what the nect generations will deal with.

Shouldn't we take care of our mother earth regardless if so-called "global warming" is real or not? If we can help the planet to get over this 'fever' by paying a little more in taxes, would it kill us? Shouldn't we just accept what our leaders are telling us and believe in so-called "global warming" and just get along with each other?