> Senator Inhofe to chair environment commitee, what do you think about that?

Senator Inhofe to chair environment commitee, what do you think about that?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hmm politics and AGW always stirs up lots of answers

It is a good fit. However, I do agree with Peggy on this one. He probably will be under indictment. As history shows in the case of Tom Delay, if you are a Republican and in a responsible position and effective, you will be indicted. BTW Tom has been exonerated of all charges, but only after bankrupting him and putting him through long needless court procedures and appeals.

Is it right? NO. But that is politics with tyrannical foes.They effectively have made it illegal to have any other political view.

Quote by Jill Singer, Australian green and "journalist": "I'm prepared to keep an open mind and propose another stunt for climate sceptics - put your strong views to the test by exposing yourselves to high concentrations of either carbon dioxide or some other colourless, odourless gas - say, carbon monoxide."

It show that the greenie motto is, "If you are losing the argument, change the rules and don't fight fair!"

It is a good fit. However, I do agree with Peggy on this one. He probably will be under indictment. As history shows in the case of Tom Delay, if you are a Republican and in a responsible position and effective, you will be indicted. BTW Tom has been exonerated of all charges, but only after bankrupting him and... show more

Great! He was agin' AGW when bein' agin' wasn't cool. Now it will be cool. Yeah, too bad about defunding the IPCC. Perhaps they will get funding from some sympathetic billionaires? If not, what will the nightly news do for its extreme weather segment? It'll be out of business, too. Yeah, too bad. Will this be the death of alarmism? Let's hope so!

Good He is better than the looney Barbra Boxer and moron Sheldon Whitehouse . Ed Markey want to base policy on what may happen on climate models ? crazy

He would be an excellent chairman. A few years ago he took up Ralph Nader's challenge to debate Ed Markey, but nothing came of it. There was a group of protesters that tried to ambush him in the Senate and took video of the encounter. He ended up embarrassing them, revealing their ignorance.

Well the GOP had the opportunity to demonstrate that they were ready to govern, to be responsible and work for the betterment of the country. This is evidently how they choose to demonstrate they are not ready to govern and would rather continue to pander to extremists.

Inhofe is great conservative and he understands the difference between politics and science. It is insulting to him to suggest that he wants dirty air and dirty water. He just isn't going to let the wacko environmentalists use the government as their weapon to attack free markets and freedom. He is fighting an uphill battle because the lies that are spread are believed by the gullible, i.e CR, Peggy, etc.

I read they are going to eliminate funding to the U.N. for climate change research.

I can See where He'll be taking HIS Afternoon Naps... ;)


Hmm politics and AGW always stirs up lots of answers


I think you need to learn how to use the spell checker.

You can sense the fear from these "scientists" who have enjoyed not having to show their work for so many years.

Maybe we can get past the goofy pseudoscience that has ruled the day so far. The environmentalists are mostly mental and need to be taken down a notch.

Science in America is finished. How can America lead the world when we lag so far behind the rest of it?

They always put a total loser in charge of environment because they don't give a flying #### about the environment.

I'm sure that once he is done, US air quality will make people from China feel right at home.

I suspect he will be indicted one day.

Yes sir, the Kochs will be well rewarded for the money they've spent getting their paid liars elected to congress.