> Anyone here about the huge storm that kiIled 4 people in NY? Global warming my @ss?

Anyone here about the huge storm that kiIled 4 people in NY? Global warming my @ss?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This morning, I heard Maria Bartiromo say Buffalo had the highest accumulated snow ever recorded in the US in 24 hours. I wouldn't call it global warming but I would call it amazing. I was just there a month ago, just across the state, anyway. It has been a cold cold start to winter.

things happen for a reason.

This extreme jet stream pattern is due, in part, to the influence of Super Typhoon Nuri, which caused a ripple effect on the jet stream after the typhoon became one of the most powerful extratropical storms ever recorded in the waters to the west of Alaska eleven days ago. However, we’ve seen an unusual number of extreme jet stream patterns like this in the past fifteen years, which happens to coincide with the period of time we’ve been observing record loss of summertime Arctic sea ice and record retreat of springtime snow cover in the Arctic

...jeffmasters weatherunderground

Steven S. is being more polite than I would be. If the CLIMATE (note, not the WEATHER) were getting colder, the Great Lakes would be frozen over, evaporation from the surface would be cut way down, and the Buffalo Area would have gotten a few inches of snow, not a few feet.

Exactly - The climate patterns are shifting again to what they were in the 1960's and 1970's. Russian scientists are saying that we should get used to the cold as the sun is cooling, co2 has nothing to do with the climate

The topic here at yahoo answers is Global Warming, not local weather. You know that. Stop wasting our time.

It is climate change, not global warming but the rest of the world is significantly warmer than here.

Remember snow is going to be a very rare sight by now. Maybe keep some in a jar to show your kids what snow looks like.

Anyone here? No, I'm not, I'm in Australia where the climate is getting hotter.

"2013 was hottest year on record in Australia, Bureau of Meteorology says" - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-01-03/20...

Anyone else notice that any time there's a grave grammatical error in a question, it is almost always a denier?

Buffalo made Y! news today. Some areas already have as much as six feet of snow. more is on the way.

perhaps you need to check why the jetstream has changed. it does not happen by magic.

climate is changing..get used to it.

Please read up on how global warming happens before posting like this.
