> Why is global warming bad for us?

Why is global warming bad for us?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Quote by Noel Brown, UN official: "Entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of "eco-refugees," threatening political chaos."

Just look at these greenies. Even if the sea was rising at that rate, which it isn't, don't you think that people can adjust to that much. Golly, if they are that dumb they must be greenies. If Gary F stood there for thirty years, it still would only be up to his ankles. Do you think he would be smart enough to move to higher ground in that length of time? Well, maybe not.

Besides, their savior, President Obama has promised us that he would lower the seas. And we all know he keeps his promise.

? ? ? ? there is sea level rise but at 3mm per year, its not catastrophic,

It's currently at about 3mm ? yr globally, but (1) that is a rate not a level so it will continue to accrue year in and year out. And (2) that is obviously not a fixed rate. The rate is increasing. And (3) by any measure it is VERY FAST. Not by the standards of someome standing at the shore and waiting. But when you allow some years to go by, it adds up. And (4) it's not the same everywhere in the world. Some places are seeing much greater rates of rise (like Galveston, TX, with half a meter in about 40 years.)

Also, you ever sit down and look at what happens when you integrate a function that includes a rate that increases as a function of time? It's not linear. Even with the simplest constants, it's at least quadratic. And it may be exponential. Besides, the rate won't stop even if we completely moved all humans off to Mars. We've already put a commitment for much more into the system.

Catastrophic? That's you speaking immediately from extremes to set up a strawman so that you falsely try and make your words "seem reasonable" when you knock down the strawman. You write "3mm" and completely ignore the history and completely ignore current science understanding about the future and then you paint this single number as "not catastrophic." You also ignore the fact that it's not the same number everywhere... it's just ONE number representing a global average. And you ALSO ignore what rising sea levels ALSO mean for hurricanes and typhoons when they come ashore, too. You hope of course that no one will notice your slight of hand.

Besides it being already insanely fast, we still are ignorant enough to only just now be discovering new ways that antarctica is coming unravelled today (pine island report, for example.) There is a lot we still don't know. But one thing we do know is that the rate is increasing, year on year, and it's already fast. And we don't know a lot of things that could make it a lot worse, in years to come, than we feel safe to say right now.

? ? ? ? what else extreme weather well according to records that's not happening, desertification, hmm the opposite seems to be happening,

You are just throwing mud hoping some of it will stick. There is plenty of evidence of extreme weather. You must have your head stuck in the ground like an ostrich not to have heard the news reports on a variety of statistical measures. You are just blowing hot air here.

? ? ? ? changes will be so fast that flora and fauna wont be able to adapt, that's not happening either.

Again, you must be that ostrich with head-in-ground, again. Reports are coming out regularly on the stress, reduction in numbers, and loss of species. It's happening so fast, some of it gets lost in the noise of all the rest that gets reported. I could pick almost any day of the year and google up some news item about it. What drugs are you taking?

? ? ? ? So what is it we are frightened of.

Well, what's to be worried about when you are out of touch, don't care at all about what you spout, and couldn't interpret a science fact if your life depended on it? If I'm allowed to be as selective as you are in the data I considered, and willing to lie about the rest as well, I could prove anything I wanted to. Trouble is, I value my credulity. Unlike you.

EDIT: sea level rise is not linear (http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/7/4/... It's been 8 inches in 135 years (global average of about 1.5mm/yr) which is obviously different than 3mm more lately. As for reasons to imagine it may accelerate, it already has accelerated. And we are still uncovering new mechanisms (the pine island report just out, for example.) You are pretty much just spouting rubbish as though it were fact. It's not.

EDIT: obviously, you haven't read the most recent reports and/or the now continuing dataset (that hopefully will be produced for the next two years or so.) Also, obviously, you use the word 'naturally' differently than I do.

Congratulations! you have now graduated to the next level of denial:

Stage 1: Deny the Problem Exists

ok it exists...

Stage 2: Deny We're the Cause

ok, we're the cause..

Stage 3: Deny It's a Problem - >>> that your current stage !!

ok it's a problem

Stage 4: Deny We can Solve It

ok we can solve it..

Stage 5: It's too Late

Your devotion to anecdotal, irrelevant, and false evidence is commendable, but irrelevant.

That is like saying you took all the doors and windows off of your house before going on a month-long vacation and - after calling your neighbor and learning that your house had not been struck by a tornado or occupied by members of a UFO religion suicide cult wearing black outfits and sporting brand new Nikes – assuming that when you returned the house would be in the same condition as when you left.

average heat of earth will rise

Its ok Kano, the men in the white coats will be round soon. They have a lovely new jacket all for you. It has extra long sleeves. Don't worry, it will all be alright.

okay there is sea level rise but at 3mm per year, its not catastrophic, what else extreme weather well according to records that's not happening, desertification, hmm the opposite seems to be happening, changes will be so fast that flora and fauna wont be able to adapt, that's not happening either.

So what is it we are frightened of.