> New scare tactics by the IP CC?

New scare tactics by the IP CC?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Now these are not new scare tactics, but the same ones they always use. They frequently pull non-peer-reviewed material to do it, including reports written by WWF or Greenpeace.

Same Song;

Same Verse.

A little bit louder;

And a little bit worse.

Joseph Goebbel,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

IPCC knows how to promote a lie. Just ignore science and jump out of the bushes and say, "BOO!" That scares nitwits every time.

No, it's not new, it's the same old Chicken Little tactics and claptrap they have always used. And it's getting very old. The IPCC has been beating this same drum for about 30 years and every report is more hysterical than the last. The more their climate models are proven wrong, the higher the 'confidence' level expressed by the IPCC.



Oh, you wanted to know who Seth Borenstein is. He is the number one, lead scare tactics and propaganda writer for man-made Global Warming at the Associated Press.

You can read all about his crazy antics here:



You denier lot sure show your true colours.

Lots of conspiracy nutters here, lots of weirdos who life in a completely different universe where the Laws of Physics simply do not apply (and where non-sourced quotes appear to be 'Science').

You fake skeptics are laughable. Please, please keep up this nonsense so 24/7 skeptics can have our daily good laugh.

Fake skeptic Zippie:


It took me 1 minute (= 60 seconds in my universe) to figure out who was the original leaker: it's was your hero and feminist Donna Lafromboise!


He is the AP Science Writer of the AP article you linked to. It says so right on the top of that article. Honestly, Zippie, how old are you? Do you parents know you're posting on the internet? Are there any adults in the house to look after you?

To Kano:


Of course you are. You live in the Universe of Denial and get your science news from armchair experts and from other deniers who are as delusional as you are. You lot simply cannot handle the truth.



You suffer from Stage II of Denial: you see conspiracies everywhere. The only cure is to educate yourself back to the Universe of Reality. It is really not that hard. All you got to do is kick this habit of getting your (science) news from denier blogs yet that has proven to be a tough one even for Stage I sufferers (ie, Kano).

From the link;

"Starvation, poverty, flooding, heat waves, droughts, war and disease already lead to human tragedies. They're likely to worsen as the world warms from man-made climate change, a leaked draft of an international scientific report forecasts."

Rather than ridiculing it, how about taking such warnings seriously?

And Anthony Watts isn't?

What, or should I say, Watt supposed authority? I'd like to see "skeptics" question what they see on the daily mail or faux news.

Falacy? It is an absolute fact.


At most, Margaret Thatcher may have exploited the laws of physics for her own ends, but unless she happens to be God, the laws of physics are the same with or without her.

The IPCC is desperate. They run the very real threat of losing their funding due to the continuing demise of the Catastrophic, Man-did-it, Global Warming fad.

Greed has no limits and there are many IPCC hangers-on who do not want to go back to their former jobs of goat-herding or teaching grade school science.

you are quoting second hand what a draft report supposed has in it. Maybe you can wait and read the final report from the original source when it comes out.

A real skeptic would be questioning Anthony Watts, but it's a lot more fun to go for conspiracy theories.

I'm nearly speechless, how can they utter such bull faeces propaganda, how can they ignore that temperatures are not rising, hurricanes and tornadoes are down, even they admitted earlier that they cannot link extreme weather with CO2.

This is not science, there is no data or evidence to back up their words, this is just conjecture and irresponsible immoral conjecture, alarmist behaviour in it's most obvious form.

The IPCC is nothing but a marketer for the government. They don't implement but recommend while accepting public funding. Even stupid people should understand it cost the IPCC nothing for useless recommendations. Your basically force to contribute to your own demise...Go figure.

He is the boy crying wolf . The wolf is dead .


First WWWT is basically worthless denier drivel. Your link seems to have taken the most severe statements without really showing the draft itself. In addition, a draft is just that, a draft,not a finished product. You are just wasting time again because you have no clue how to defend your position

"New" scare tactics? There is nothing new about scare tactics from the IPCC.

Speaking of scare tactics, Wattsup has abandoned Al Gore and Climategate lately. Now it's all IPCC all the time.