> Is Arctic ice volume up from last year?

Is Arctic ice volume up from last year?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If an unusual low level of Arctic ice was evidence of significant anthropogenic global warming, then using exactly the same logic, high levels of Arctic ice should be evidence of an absence of significant anthropogenic global warming.

Warmists don't like having their own logic used on them. Any evidence against their preconceived beliefs just makes them angry.

There are three separate issues here. The extent of the solid surface sea ice in summer, the ratio of 'old ice' to 'new ice' and the thickness of the ice. From all indications the extent of the solid surface sea ice, not including the extent of the broken pieces on the edge of the ice pack as they drift south, currently covers fewer square miles of the Artic ocean during the short artic summer.

Every year more 'old ice' melts... that's ice that has been frozen for sometimes thousands of years. While in winter much of the ice is replaced with 'new ice' that ice tends to melt rapidly during the summer months as does a fraction of the 'old ice' .

The US Navy has measured ice thickness in the artic since the 1950's when nuclear submarines first began 'under the ice' patrols above the Artic Circle. Ice thickness now is 1/3 to 1/2 what it was in the 1950's indicating melting from below.

Conclusion: While melting and freezing of artic ice has varied over time, that 'time' has always been measured over geological time, not 'historical time'. This current melting has and is happening over a very short time period of less than 200 years. Other 'climate change' incidents have always happened over hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years. The data show less ice in summer, less 'old ice' and a diminishing ice thickness over a significant part of the Artic ice pack. There's no way that this can be a 'natural' situation and no scientific organization believes that it is as ALL of the data, the science and the physics proves that it's not!

It's way up !!

It's amazing to me that some people are still decrying the 'melting icecaps' --- these people need to pick up a newspaper every now and then.

We just had a boatload of Warmists stuck in the ice for a few weeks in the Antarctic ---- but not only did they get stuck but the ice breaker that tried to rescue them got stuck too.

The world is cooling --- there is not a single temperature record that shows otherwise and it's because of a decline in solar activity.

Where do the taxpayers get their money back for the man-made Global Warming HOAX?


Looks like a four year high to me. That is definitely more than one year. Funny I haven't heard anything about it on the MSM. Looks like alarmists got more adjusting to do than Larry the Cable guy in a size small Speedo thong. OK that joke was pretty lame but it really does have a disturbing visual and LTCG a$s and Hansen y Mann seems like such a great comparison to me.


Arctic sea ice extent continued to track below average during January, remaining just within two standard deviations of the long-term average. The average extent for January was 13.73 million square kilometers (5.30 million square miles). This is 800,000 square kilometers (309,000 square miles) less than the 1981 to 2010 "

"Including 2014, sea ice extent for January is declining at a rate of 3.2% per decade relative to the 1981 to 2012 average, or at a rate of 47,800 square kilometers (18,500 square miles) per year. January 2014 is the fourth lowest extent in the satellite record, behind 2005, 2006, and the record low January 2011.}

Warmon logic states that the amount of ice doesn't matter in winter only in summer unless it's antartic ice or perhaps this is a case for you are talking about weather, or the arctic isn't the global, or natural variability is over riding the AGW signal, maybe something new like the ozone hole is allowing hot air out, AGW has changed the jet stream, your source is unreliable, that's one climate scientists opinion..

Oops I left out a few, thanks alph

Your first source answered your first question. It says there was more ice in October 2013 than in October 2012.

And your second source answered your other questions.

So what do you need me for?

one year does not make it climate and no mention of multiyear ice. Typical WUWT nonsense- why did he leave out '"From a record low"?

yes, the arctic is losing ice, but the second link is also suspect. It's an interpretation from the telegraph, not the actual research. Get the source material before linking to media articles.


The best I can do is to advise you that I have examined a IR map of Antarctica, and MOST areas of that continent have had a THICKER ice-pack for the last ten years.

Oh, oh. Looks like they have some adjusting to do.


Why is it good to have lots of Arctic ice?

What does this mean for the Arctic ice death spiral?

Or Professor Peter Wadhams prediction of no ice by 2015


as of now posted 34 minutes and no warmunist could answer such a simple question, so I will answer with warmunist logic, maybe, could be, might be, maybe not, we just don't know till it pal reviewed, denier