> Is this a great example of the thinking of the saviours of the world?

Is this a great example of the thinking of the saviours of the world?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

If you don't like the article, explain to us all why. Be specific.


From your link :

" ... It used to strike me as impossible for global warming to cause cold weather. Then I realized that I could chill a soft drink in the oven if there were no room left in the refrigerator to bake a cake.

Up until then I did not know that the same cause can have opposite effects. In my unenlightened state, it never occurred to me that carbon dioxide could cause both excessive heat and excessive cold, both drought and flood.

I should have known. After all, we calm hyperactive children with stimulants and cure addiction to drugs with addicting drugs. When the government goes too far in debt, it borrows more money. We achieve diversity through uniformity. We overcome racism with racism. When children don't learn, we send them to schools that don't teach. We question authority by believing the authorities.

We tell the truth with lies and lie with the truth. Lying about Ferguson is merely the way to advance the larger truth that our cops are racist. Telling the truth about Ferguson impedes our understanding. ... "

Ain't it the truth?

Is it political science? ... or scientifically political? Maybe science should try deciphering the difference before they draw conclusions on what science they are talking about?

I don't like it, it is a raving rant, even if it does contain much truth.

This article will not foster commonsense, it is more likely to widen the gap between the extremes.

I hate it that the U.S. is so politically divided, black or white, as an outsider I see both parties as dogmatic and lacking commonsense.

The author does state “In my unenlightened state…” then seeks to validate this claim be demonstrating that he truly is unenlightened when it comes to the science of global warming.

Clearly he knows little of the subject otherwise he would be only too well aware of the mechanisms that can cause periods of cold weather in an otherwise warming world. It’s not difficult to understand so I can’t see why he chose not to educate himself on the subject – unless of course he prefers to remain ignorant rather than dealing with reality; after all, ignorance is bliss.

Not one word criticizing the Republicans, who think they can balance the budget by cutting taxes and starting wars at the same time.

We're better than you


If you don't like the article, explain to us all why. Be specific.