> How depressed would you be if you spent your whole career studying so-called "global warming"?

How depressed would you be if you spent your whole career studying so-called "global warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It all depends on how you studied GW.

If you studied GW through the teachings of a communist professor or teacher, you would not only be depressed but scared to death.

If you studied as a scientist with real facts and data, you would know it is a scam and very glad that man cannot control the Earth's temperature. Especially like Al Gore. As Al Gore always says in essence, "Make me richer or you all will FRY!"

Oh Dr. Jello, I bet there are plenty of climate scientist that would not be the least depressed about the scenario you present, especially if they were close to retirement. After all, they still got their fat paychecks, they paid their mortgages and sent their kids to college. Their refrigerators were never empty --- they had it better than about 98% of the people on the planet.

It's we taxpayers that should be depressed, we are the ones that footed the bills to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars in wasted resources over the last 30 years. How many aircraft carriers and fighter jets could we have purchased for all that money? How much dilapidated infrastructure could we have repaired?

How much less would our children be depressed by all the scare stories that kept them from sleeping at night? How much less rebellious would they be toward their parents if they knew that Dad's SUV was not destroying the planet?

If any climate scientists are depressed because they got fooled by the man-made Global Warming SCAM they need to look in the mirror to see who was responsible.


I'd be proud of advancing science but perhaps a little concerned that as a scientific field it might become a lower priority (e.g. less funding for research).

However, even if this issue dropped off the political radar and became more of a purely academic pursuit, there would still be a lot to learn about the climate system.

As depressed as Bill Cosby selling Jello pudding pops

I deserve Top contributor with an answer like this


Too funny,

First, the "hiatus" has been acknowledged by scientists, so the article calling ist a "myth" is obviously lying as well. So you have an article that is lying while chatising another article for lying??? Second I always have to laugh at the "ocean records". I was wondering how many of those measurement devices that measured down to 2000 meters deep existed and were in use in 1955. I also like how they measure in Joules instead of temperature. Is that becaus ethe temperature change is so slight that one would question if it even exists given the uncertainty of measurement???

Further, whilest you are talking about funding, I have to laugh. How many TV programs go into the "dangers" of global warming??? I can think of at least two running programs. Care to talk about their funding??? The "denier" funding is a pittance. The fact is that if we actually saw the exponential temperature cahnges you all predict INSTEAD of the 15-year hiatus, the paultry amount of funding spent on "denial" would not ahve any effect at all.

I think it would be kind of like journalists who are usually on the far left finally realizing that they are on the wrong side of history. I imagine they would kick themselves for being young and naive.

I'd be depressed today, even though the evidence say, that global warming is happening


And we are causing it


and that the ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


because of the lack of action to switch to clean energy sources.

Do worry there is plenty more where that came from.....string theory is approaching that status.

Every cloud has a silver lining, and the global warming debacle has led us to investigate and truly understand all the variables in climate change and its cyclical behavior.

I might become very despondent easily deducted international warming up has been any scam due to the fact that will reveal absurdity.

I would be terribly depressed if I concluded global warming was a hoax because that would indicate stupidity.

and coming to the conclusion that there was no such thing, that the global temps are well within normal variations? I can't imagine spending over 30 years dedicating my life's work on something that was found out to be a fraud.

Corporations Fund Science Denial

When the rich start losing money, they’ll take climate change seriouslyhttp://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/06/02/ne...

Conservative media is now just making things up about climate scientists http://www.salon.com/2014/08/06/conserva...