> Meteorite in Russia proof of global warming?

Meteorite in Russia proof of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
of course not.! whats the relationship of the meteors in the outer space and in the earth......we can not say that because of the global warming the meteors fall in rusia it's only a natural phenomenom.......

Nothing makes an ecozealot lick his chops like a cuddly critter. In 2006’s An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s voice trembles as an animated polar bear drowns because there are no ice floes left.

It is the silliest bit of cinema since the horse got punched in Blazing Saddles. But, voila, ecozealots had their poster bear.

The drowning polar bear scenario was quickly debunked ― turns out the Great White Beast is booming up north.

But if the likes of Suzuki, Gore and Barack Obama can somehow show climate change is causing critter-mashing meteorities, it’s a PR bonanza.

Unless you’re in a coma or holidaying on Halley’s Comet, you’ve gazed nervously skyward the past few days.

First, a meteorite the size of a school bus streaks across the morning sky over Siberia, posing for cellphones as it goes, and explodes with a force 20 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb. A thousand people are cut by flying glass, though few seriously.

That's an outside influence -the universe- not global where our entire earth is heating up! Do you know what global warming means? Our earth is basically a green house right now. Everything thats inside of it will also warm up, but the universe is freezing cold! There's hundreds of meteorites in the universe spinning and moving all over the place.

That sounds like something The Onion would broadcast though haha!

cool video about scientist finding answers about our universe:

Listen to all the anti science holocaust deniers saying falling meteorites aren't proof of Global Warming. Of course they are. When was the last time a meteor hit that exact spot? Never? But with CO2 levels so high, now one hits there. Proof positive.

No, it has nothing to do with global warming. It was a meteorite that just happened to be nearing Earth and then it crashed through the atmosphere into our planet's surface. Nothing more, nothing less just that.

Meteorite has nothing to do with global warming, although global warming is just a myth.

the meteorite would have to be fake to be used as "proof" of global warming.

This was nothing. The one that hit Siberia in 1908 if it had hit here would have destroyed the whole city killing 10,000 of more. If it had hit Moscow it would have killed millions. When the Earth was forming they think a small plant hit the Earth and cause the creation of the Moon. The universe is a dangerous place.

No its proof of DOOMSDAY. Just kidding. Its definitely not global warming though.

Proof of gravity while the tragedy with Titanic could be connected in some twisted way. Anyway, nowadays there are too many other disasters that are connected with the climate changes

Absolutely, and they are having a tinfoil hat sale in the kitchenware dept of Kmart

Well hotter, colder, more rain, less rain, no snow, more snow, storm sandy, hurricanes , tornadoes, cyclones, are all blamed on climate change so why not meteorites.

There is lots of evidence for AGW, but the meteorite is not it.

No. It was because George W. Bush did something. We don't know exactly what is was but he is at the root of all disasters, so it must be him. We are studying that now. James Hansen has three full time computer models working on that right now.

NO. NO NO NO. It's the universe. Not the Earth.

-I've heard of "Hard Rain..." -But THAT's a little Ridiculous ! :) So I think the Answer to Your Question Is; "I don't think so."

Only if you subscribe to the view that "the sky is falling"

