> Is this what climate change means?

Is this what climate change means?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You are getting under Peggy's skin. You are supposed to tow the line. We had a pretty cold winter here in So Cal too until that high pressure ridge kept us warm for a month or so. Normal temps have returned and it even rained last night.

"Daily sea ice growth rates were variable during December. By the end of the month, ice extent remained below average in most of the far north."


This is the best place for Arctic news

"Arctic sea ice extent for December was 12.38 million square kilometers (4.78 million square miles). This is 700,000 square kilometers or 270,300 square miles below the 1981 to 2010 average, making it the 4th lowest December extent in the 36-year satellite data record."

Anraectic ice volume is decreasing yearly at a faster than normal rate. Keep in mind the ice extent increases in winter and most of this melts in winter. This ice is thin compared to the ice that melts on the western side of Antarctica This info has been told to you over and over again and you keep talking about sea ice. Do some reading a learn some sh*t

The US is a small part of the planet This is global warming not US or great lakes This is all due to the Polar vortex which has been an occasional happening and isn't a yearly thing.

At this same time Australia had temp as high as 113 F and Brazil has has excruciating heat and drought with 2013 tied for the fourth warmest year globally in 134 years, so your list means very little as usual

Michael and Asia How can you say GW stopped in 2012 when 2013 was tied for the fourth warmest year globally. Get a grip dudes and learn to read

Do you just make stuff up? Where is your source for the "Coldest winter in at least 25 years in the US"?

Where I live in the US we just had a record warm January, and we're only about halfway through winter, so you must be making a forecast based on ???

And "Arctic sea ice extent up 60%...:You fail to mention that it was up from the lowest amount on record.

"Great Lakes ice coverage at an all-time record high" You mean except for 1981, 1988, 1989, 1994 and probably many other years before there was satellite coverage.

Stop asking questions until you can say something that is accurate and not garbage.

EDIT for jim z: You are correct that Kano is getting under my skin with his questions--everyone gets under my skin that tries to mislead or lie, which is why you get under my skin also.

You said

"We had a pretty cold winter here in So Cal too until that high pressure ridge kept us warm for a month or so"

The last "month or so" is the entire winter so far, so if we've been warm during that period, that's been the entire winter.

EDIT for Kano: Southern California is typically warmer than normal during El Ninos, and cooler during La Ninas. I think you keep getting confused about that.

No, you are looking at seasonal variability and you know that this is what you are looking at. What are the long term trends showing, Kano? Are you afraid to talk about the long term trends?

Your link is quite telling. Did you even read it? It certainly does not support all of your claims. Please, source all of your claims for us to see.


RockyD7, while you were studying the science and obtaining your advanced degree in science not one professor took the time to introduce you to the greenhouse effect of certain gases in our atmosphere? Remarkable! Remarkable in the sense that you earned any degree at all in science and yet you still do not know about greenhouse gases. You also make the assumption that only natural variations within the climate system will induce climate change. Do you have any scientific evidence that only natural variations can alter the world's climate? Does it matter if every past climate change event was due to natural causes? How, exactly, does that relate to now and what we are doing to the climate? .... Just exactly what do you consider to be an "advanced" degree?

The earth undergoes cycles of warming and cooling and has since long before records were being kept, so none of the data surprises me when I know that in only one decade of time we can have cooling or warming, all dependent on the shift in ocean currents. (And yeah, I did study this in environmental science while geting an advanced degree in science and biology.)

Colder because Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012 that ice accumulation has started on different parts of earth. The weather today is like it was in 1977 before Global Warming. Your question is the way it was before 1977 July. I know because I'm from Michigan. Mike

Global warming ended in 2012

And when we get into summer you'll see much hotter tempters than before. That what they mean when they say climate change.

Great Lakes ice coverage at an all-time record high

Antarctic sea ice coverage at an all-time record high

Arctic sea ice extent up 60% last summer

Coldest winter in at least 25 years in the US

and before you say what about volume http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0SO80N.AO9Sq3cAE2FXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzYWZsN3JmBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNARjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1NNRTM4OV8x/SIG=12v55418v/EXP=1391423742/**http%3a//www.deccanherald.com/content/381699/cryosat-sees-arctic-sea-ice.html