> Does anyone out there like this new Y!A format?

Does anyone out there like this new Y!A format?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I wrote a suggestion on the suggestions Yahoo Answers page telling them how bad it is --- to be ignored by Yahoo along with many other saying the same thing.

This format has no contrast, you can hardly tell where one answer leaves off and another begins, it's clunky, you don't have the advanced search option anymore, it's ugly, it's hard to navigate --- it's truly AWFUL.

It cuts down on your screenspace because the stupid search bar follows all the way down the page. As if we are too dumb to scroll back to the top of the page to do a search.

I bet it was a bunch of liberals that designed it and that they all are true believers in man-made Global Warming.


Nope. I'm considerably annoyed that the ca. version was "upgraded" just recently, I've been using it (though I'm from the US) to avoid the "upgrade". I find it much, much, much harder to find what I want. In particular, I like having a coherent list of 1. the questions I have answered, 2. the questions I have *asked*, and 3. the questions my network has asked and answered. I can get the first two only by jumping through a lot more hoops than I used to (I now have a bookmark for the "how others see you" version of my profile), I haven't yet figured out how to get the third.

And, of course, the infinite scroll thing is its own special hell, especially when it comes to trying to check out *older* stuff.

Probably few do.

I certainly do not. But after having had it already for several months, I have learned to live with it. There are more annoying ads than before (undoubtedly a main reason for Yahoo making changes to a part of their product line that they otherwise pay almost no attention to) but you can still do nearly everything you could before; it is just clumsier in some ways.

Edit: Ottawa Mike could solve his problem (too many "Your question has a new answer') on his own, by only asking real questions instead of mostly Wattsup or other denier-blog items masquerading as questions.

Just another yahoo "improvement" that no one except the paper pushers at the office like. I see no positive value to the change and see many negatives. Even going onto YA Canada doesn't work any more.

Edit: found this from another answer somewhere else. f.answers.vip.bf1.yahoo.com

Spread the word

What's new? I haven't noticed anything different. I wish they would adopt their games format and your most common categories are listed first.

Also the load 20 items at a time is annoying, as this page can crash my computer, making it overheat, if I go too far down.

Curious. I liked the new home page and the ability to get back to the list of questions with a single click. I did not like the bugs, such as the inability to get past the first page of questions most of the time. It would have been better if the new brooms were in less of a hurry to sweep clean and waited until the software was properly debugged before using it. Moot point. I am back to the old format.

No. It seems to be a triumph of style over function.

Writing an answer is like performing keyhole surgery and the cursor sometimes disappears or moves to the top left hand corner of the text area when you moved it to the start of a line.

I like the ability to add pictures, though.

Finding your recent answers is more difficult, too.

Yes, I love it. Who needs a user-friendly format when we can have this? Plus, if you are here to waste time, well you are in luck. It takes much longer to navigate around this new format. Good times had by all.

I refuse to allow consensus :-)

Nope! I was at least able to go to the Canadian or Philippine website before now and look at a better organized than now Yahoo. Now even Ottawa Mike and Kano are suffering from Yahoo's poor design. ... We can never go back to the past, but I do miss the "old" days, when Yahoo was actually functional and more user friendly. ... At least we still have each other here. Albeit it is a bit distorted representation of society. :)

Not me.

The old system was much better. I now use my kindle tablet as it still uses the earlier version. I hope they don't upgrade it anytime soon.

EDIT: I've just seen this link.


From here, where "how can I get the green format back?" is a very common question.


I think the worst is my activities. Before, I could see all the questions I asked and all the ones I put answers to. Now, I just see ("Your question has a new answer"). That's pretty bad when I have a few questions out there.

It is terrible. For some strange reason all of a sudden I cannot see any of my activities. Everytime I go there it asks me to sign up as a new user. I cannot rate anything because it again tries to sign me up as a new user. I have been on here for years and am at Level 7.

I hate it. For some reason, my edits don't work half the time which is annoying because I often add stuff and it just disappears in the Ethernet and most of the time I am too lazy and annoyed to retype it.

Nope I think the category browse is ackward. Although this isn't a contest to me, I did like to glance ar my level from time to time Plus I liked to be able to look at mine or another's questions or answers which was simpler I thought

No it's rubbish can we ask for the old format back?

Well, this is certainly the closest we have ever come to a consensus on anything.

Someone must but it just seems cumbersome and ugly

it looks ugly

No I don't , I preferred it as it was.
