> Do you check the category of your questions to see if someone changed them every day?

Do you check the category of your questions to see if someone changed them every day?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Happens all the time to me. Believers will do anything to insure they muzzle any opposing scientific theory. Their minds are closed to any idea except what they believe.

Sometimes I do. Sometimes I forget.

I suspect that often the original post is in the wrong category.

I try to remember to check that, but again, sometimes I forget.

What's really annoying is when I move a question back, and someone moves it out to the boonies a 2nd time.

That's annoying.

edit: oh, and ...

a) i promise that i didn't move any of your questions, and

b) unlike jello, i didn't blame anyone ... although i thought it interesting that he talks about other folks muzzling people when he has so many blocked so that they cannot answer his questions.

I usually forget, I do not understand how it happens though, as I only have the ability to move my own, not anyone elses, like this question there is no 'edit category' available.

It probably happens in your original posting. I know a few of mine went into the wrong category right after I submitted them. I know most of the moderators are alarmists as well but in this case I think it's just a glitch.


It wasn't me changing the category of your questions. While we have our differences, I do agree that your questions belong in global warming and that only the asker should be able to change the category.

It's a good thing to do. I noticed some of your questions had moved.

If Earth cooled down and a computer said it was warming, which one would be right?

was moved to jokes and riddles


I rarely ask questions. Here are the last two I asked though.



I haven't moved any questions and I very rarely report anyone aside from spammers and flooders. I don't have any alternate accounts either though you have accused me of such many times with your conspiracy riddled mind.

Because I am potentially a shape-shifting Goebbels non-quoting Marxist from the Hollow Moon, who believes in so-called math, and so-called science, and so-called honesty, my questions never get moved or vaporized. There is only the illusion of this happening, an optical trick caused by Al Gore's holographic 4th dimension carbon tax death ray.

Nope, no way!!