> Are climate change conferences a waste of time?

Are climate change conferences a waste of time?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

So, 10,000 non-scientists can hold the climate conference with the largest "carbon footprint" ever and there was not an expert among them? And yet, they are entitled to talk about the subject at the tax payer's expense. (They wanted to power it with solar energy but it was though to not be reliable enough amongst other things!)

Why are the non-scientists here called everything under the sun by some? Are we not just as qualified as the people who are making the decisions? And they are getting the free holidays that we are paying for ...

For me the conferences are a waste of time and money but rest assured someone is finding them worthwhile. If that were not the case then they would stop.

Remember, one of the UN goals is to become self-funded. At present governments can pull the plug on the cash. Once they get cash direct from the world population then they will have won a major victory and one that will not be reversed for a few generations. A "carbon tax" would be an ideal vehicle. If they are allowed to apply any multiplying factor to any measure of fresh air that is chosen then they, effectively, have a licence to print money.

The liberal, well-off, middle classes in the developed world feel guilty about improving their own standard of living. They want to feel better by giving some money away. If it helps "save the planet" then all to the good. The recipients promise to give the money to the poor. Well, some of it. Obviously, overheads will be incurred. The office staff, in every country in the world, the management structure will need to be highly paid to attract the best minds. Some will need to saved for emergencies and contingencies and unforeseen circumstances like rainy days - which will become more extreme - etc etc. Some of it might find its way into the rest of the UN. A tax rate increase could be necessary.

It is all about politics. I am glad Peg and Gary F are starting to see the light but I am guessing it is temporary. It is a waste of time, just as all political grandstanding is. They take our money and promise to work for our interests while the piss away our money and lie and cheat and work against us.

Yes --- especially since there is no man-made Climate Change or Global Warming or whatever they are calling it this week.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.


There is nothing humans can do to influence the weather.

They should spend their time working on things we can affect, like taking care of our planet.

Absolutely, it is equivalent to having a conference to stop Peter Cottontail from laying Easter Eggs.

As others have already pointed out, Nova is dead wrong with her claim.

Lima was a COP meeting which stands for "Conference Of the Parties". In other words, it was solely attended by government representatives of UN member nations.

I think they are. Mainly because they're not doing anything to stop WORLD POPULATION GROWTH

Overpopulation is inversely proportional to environmental sustainability

Not for the thousands of do nothing, completely useless bureaucrats who get paid with taxpayer money.

Their waste of time doesn't bother me.

The fact that they are scamming my hard-earned Tax dollars DOES bother me.

They may very well be a waste of time, but whoever wrote that quote is a complete moron.

EDIT: Gary's answer was exactly right, which is why I called Nova a moron. If she can't tell scientific conferences from policy conferences, doesn't that prove she doesn't know either subject?


Kano - re your link

"The report of my death was an exageration." - Mark Twain


Lima was a political conference - not a science conference.

But, of course, since most Deniers are scientifically illiterate and intellectually lazy nobs, it is hardly surprising that they cannot recognize the fundamental stupidity in your question and reference any more than the stupidity they swallow as knowledge on a daily basis.

This says it all


quoting an article that you know is wrong is not particularly honest.