> How could global warming affect sea levels?

How could global warming affect sea levels?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It only makes sense that just as Global Cooling can lower sea levels.....Global Warming can raise sea levels.

This lowering and raising of sea levels has happened many times over many millions of years.

Global warming would cause the sea level to rise. It has been rising by 2-3mm per year for centuries.

1) glaciers melt, causing more water to flow into the streams and on into the sea

2) as water warms it expands- this is caused thermal expansion. Thermal expansion would cause the seas to have a greater volume and rise.

3) ice sheets on the land will melt and water will flow into the sea, causing a rise in sea-levels

Many ice melt. There are many island countries. When the ice melt and sea level rise, some countries will be submerged.

Warmer water expands. Ice on land that melts adds water to the oceans. Warmer air would allow more moisture in it, which could lead to less water in the ocean, and more water on land after it rains.

warming melts ice on greeland and land ice in antarctica.

warming ocean water also expands. this adds to sea levels.

melting floating ice in the arctic does not change sea levels.

warm and cold