> What are the effects of global warming ?

What are the effects of global warming ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Bigger storms, temperature extremes.

Global Warming has been over 6 + months ago and the effects were all Iced areas melting. Mike

Global Warming in the context we use it today doesn't really exist.

The Earth has been on a rollercoaster of temperature swings since its creation.

Longer growing season.

Pay no attention to the denialist nonsense. Global warming causes ice to melt and sea levels to rise. It may lead to more storms and droughts and does lead to more heat waves.


If 17 years isn't statistically significant, how can 12 years be?

Wow ask agent ZERO why the ten warmest years were since 1998 Maybe his synapses aren't firing properly I heard some non scientists are suffering from that. They should stay in bed. drink a lot of vinegar and avoid the internet

In as few months the rest of us will feel.better

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

More rain, less rain or about the same amount of rain.

Increased temps, decreased temps or about the same temps.

More snow, less snow or about the same amount of snow.

More hurricanes, less hurricanes or about the same amount of hurricanes.

Stronger tornadoes, weaker tornadoes or about the same strength of tornadoes.

More malaria, less malaria or about the same number of cases of malaria.

Decreased polar bear population, increased polar bear population or about the same number of polar bears.

@C... "... the ten warmest years were since 1998"


More rules, regulations, and taxes, more governmental interference, more power to the bureaucrats that rule our lives, a declining economy a loss of jobs and prosperity, which ultimately leads to a loss in health and education.