> Is it wrong to point out that the fact that AGW deniers are overwhelmingly (low I.Q.) conservatives?

Is it wrong to point out that the fact that AGW deniers are overwhelmingly (low I.Q.) conservatives?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
YES, because just because liars CALL THEMSELVES skeptics, Christians, loyal patriots, scientists, geologists, able to understand junior high school math, etc., or CONSERVATIVES, does not mean that they ARE.

Look up the definition of "Conservative." Does it mean ignorant, feebleminded, poorly educated, thoroughly dishonest, paranoid, anti-intellectual, arrogant aging male, or hypocritical?

Here is a REAL conservative head of a REAL Conservative Party:

You need to be careful of how you point that out. Yes, not understanding why a greenhouse gas is a greenhouse gas or that his god controls the thermostat or indications of a low IQ. But saying that we should not believe them because they have low IQs is argumentum ad hominem.

It does'nt really matter since Global Warming ended last year and all seasons around our world have returned to normal. Also the environment has been in good condition for the last thousand years/ no change with or without Global Warming. Mike

I wouldn't say low IQ necessarily, but unable to think for themselves. They are influenced by years of coal and oil industrial denial campaigns and make a conscience choice to deny global warming. So they attempt to convince others to think like they do. Most of the organizational link they post can be traced back to big oil money. many of the experts they present are supported by big oil

Paladin...most of the ranting here is done by skeptics. I would say at least 80% of it

It may be considered unkind (truth hurts) but it is a harsh truth that they must accept

so basically, you came here not to ask a question, but to rant about people who disagree with you

I pointed out that AGW deniers are overwhelmingly conservatives and that conservatives and religious fundamentalist have been show to have a lower then average I.Q. This is all backed up by evidence, yet the comment was voted into oblivion. Links to the question http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20131128194256AAikQMP and the latest study http://pss.sagepub.com/content/23/2/187

We have have one top contributer claiming who to this day still does not understand why a greenhouse gas is actually a greenhouse gas, another one who claims his god controls the thermostat, a number of others who claim that it is a conspiracy by thousands of scientist all over the world in order to get politicians to raise taxes on every one (including the scientist)

So why do deniers have this need to deny psychological science, since having a low I.Q. like all other genetic deficiencies is not shameful.