> Do climate scientists have an explanation for the 17 year pause in global warming?

Do climate scientists have an explanation for the 17 year pause in global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Not sure about actual"climate scientists" but #2,#5 & #10 will cover all the rabid warmniks on this site.

As usual most of the devout diehard warmers here are blindly following their church's official mantra & desperately clinging to explanation #5.

the few that occasionally pull their head out of the sand & get a momentary glimpse of reality & the actual past 20 years of recorded Land & sea surface temperatures are wisely going with #2 or #10 , which unlike #5 are at least slightly plausible.

Do tell me exactly where those things were debunked, please.

As far as I know the primary reasons for a pause or slowdown in global warming are the PDO and the Asian brown cloud. The year-to-year variation from things like the ENSO and PDO is considerably less than the yearly amount of global warming, but those things are cycles. What goes up will eventually come back down, or vice versa. This means that slower surface warming when the PDO is in a negative phase (trapping heat in the oceans) will be followed by faster surface warming when the PDO is in a positive phase (releasing heat from the oceans).

Please, show me any scientific papers that show otherwise. I'll read them, cheerfully.

You left out natural variation, but global warming is going to come back stronger than ever. Pass carbon tax now, or it will get worse and worse. The longer the pause the bigger the heat wave to come.

James "The-sky-is-falling" Hansen takes a crack at it here:


This paper is interesting because he states clearly that the warming has stopped. I don't know about you, but I'm taking Dr. Hansen's word over those uneducated alarmists here who claim the earth is still warming.

How about you?

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