> Why did 98% of news stories fail to mention the ship stuck in ice was on a Global Warming mission?

Why did 98% of news stories fail to mention the ship stuck in ice was on a Global Warming mission?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because it's a freakin religion and 98% of the media are adherents.

The other 2% are heretics (deniers).

The ship is stuck because the earth goddess, Gaia, is displeased.

Better throw a denier into a volcano to calm her wrath.

We must do something about global warming because it is making the ice so thick in the Antarctica that an ice breaker can't even get through. It is causing people to have heart attacks from shoveling all the heavy snow it is causing. I don't know why the lame stream media isn't addressing how the global warming is causing all this ice and snow.

If the global warming gets any worse, we will all freeze to death.

Well since we can't yet prove what so called global warming is and all that is causing it then we can't yet fix it but for sure we will be living with the effects of it and climate change is at work.I think since we can now see and trace weather patterns as never before we are simply seeing our world change as we never could before and most of us are surprised at the violence of it.This planet is a living thing and it has ts own ways of doing business rather or not we agree or understand it.I don't think I am in denial of anything .What did surprise me was that 3 ships could not get through,something we should be concerned of in future if we insist on going to extreme places.After all it could of turned out much worse than it did.I am sure those folks are happy to be home safely.

I would think that any expedition to that area would have weather conditions as a center of interest..and anyone with a brain would realize this. Yes, there are those who go to study life, but few. Oil research has always been the economic seed, and oil is there.

Sea ice forms more easily if the salinity of the sea is reduced by fresh water caused by melting ice.

Ah, thumbs down, I see we have a physics denier as well as global warming.

Correction: 98% of US media failed to mention that fact.

The US is not the world, nor the world's media.

Other countries are better informed than the dumbed-down pap spoonfed to US audiences.

That is not true! All the news coverage I saw and read mentioned its mission. Stop going to those paranoia websites!

Because it did not fit the media agenda to show those political activists scientists getting their behinds froze off

media only accountable to small group of elite.

they are not created to serve the people.

they are created to promote elite's agenda to people.

after all, media is unelected organization.

people have no power of supervision over them.


98% of Stories Ignore That Ice-bound Ship Was On Global Warming Mission

