> What activities would you ban as a means to help solve so-called "global warming"?

What activities would you ban as a means to help solve so-called "global warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I would ban the public funding of so called man-made Global Warming, and the said 'problem' would vanish, almost overnight.

Public funding alone keeps this scam alive and it will NEVER end for as long as taxpayers continue to pay Alarmists so very well to just keep on screeching.


basically if it doesn't fit into the catagory of food, shelter, water make it illegal. I am serious, the fate of the planet is at stake because a gas in the atmosphere has gone from .03% to .04%. Believers in AGW are like smokers with lung cancer switching to light cigarettes. It's insanity, who could buy a plane ticket and fly across country knowing that people in Darfur died as a result of jet engine exhaust.

Ban Obama using AF1 and flying around the world fund raising

It is not just a matter of what is easy. We have created a situation where it is considerably more expensive to adopt environmentally safe business and personal practices than it is to just take the fines and keep moving as usual. Having the recycling truck drive by your house takes money, installing air scrubbers to the top of a smoke stack at a coal power plant also costs money.

Having a green conscious costs money, and so until we make it cheaper to do the right thing than the wrong thing, the wrong way will prevail.

like I said earlier, we need to ban everything fast

I would ban international conferences on global warming.

Gasoline tax. Not only for reasons of global warming but because that tax goes to infrastructure which is in a bad way currently. I think that is something we can both get behind.

Ban the UN and IPCC

Every human should be given a gun

We all know what the right thing to do to save the planet is, but yet millions of people still ignore the right thing to do because it just isn't convenient for them. Clearly we need to force these people into acting more responsibly by making those choices that are bad for the environment illegal or raising the taxes on these bad activities. What activities do others do that you would like to see be against the law, or have taxes raised?