> Why has talk of "Global Warming" taken a precipitous decline over the past 18 months?

Why has talk of "Global Warming" taken a precipitous decline over the past 18 months?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Could it be because of a light hurricane season, drought ending in the west, polar ice restored, and a 10 degree drop in temps in the U.S over the past year?

I read an article a while back which made the case that people lost interest in AGW starting in 2009. The drivers were no warming in 10 years, no hurricanes in the U.S., and hacked e-mails from the CRU gang. Al Gore's scary prediction of "more frequent and intense storms" was wearing thin. Arctic ice was increasing from a low in 2007.

I think the CRU e-mail fiasco caused more damage than most people want to admit.

It's because of THIS:

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any. And the public is catching on to this fact. So why are we taxpayers still spending billions on this nonsense every year?

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

It was a near record hurricane season in the Eastern Pacific, California is probably going to have its warmest year on record, as is Europe, and arctic sea ice was still way below normal this past summer.

Do you have any evidence for a "precipitous decline" in talk of global warming, or is just that your perception from watching Fox News?

By the way, there are objective ways of supporting your claim, if it's true. You might research them.

There were record high temps and record storms this year.

Do you only watch Fox?

I think alarmists have cried chicken too many times. Only the most gullible believe them now.

it has not.


number of bogus question in YA

large confetence in lima

obama coal regulations


Could it be because of a light hurricane season, drought ending in the west, polar ice restored, and a 10 degree drop in temps in the U.S over the past year?