> Does this have an affect on globabl warming?

Does this have an affect on globabl warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global Warming ended in 2012, Confirmed. Mike

Your friend has probably conflated various environmental problems. Styrofoam may leach toxins into the soil, and litter is unsightly and often unsanitary, and it could potentially choke wildlife or something, but as John W suggested, improperly disposing of styrofoam could potentially act (very slightly) against global warming, both due to carbon sequestration and due to albedo effects (white, shiny styrofoam reflects light, dark earth or roof tar absorbs it, reflected light doesn't heat up the Earth's surface as much)

Well being a litterbug is not nice, our world is filled with too much garbage.

No it will not cause global warming, global warming (which is not happening) is supposed to be caused by CO2 which comes from burning fossil fuels like coal oil gasoline, in fact any combustion of carbon, CO2 can also comes from volcanoes and decaying vegetation however that is minor compared to humans causes (industry, power stations, vehicle emissions)

But in my opinion CO2 is not much of a problem, other pollutions plastic, heavy metals, fertilizer run off, pesticides are worse.

Using global warming to sell all aspects of the green religion has become a popular thing. People will say you should recycle to stop global warming, but it does nothing to stop global warming. You are correct that global warming is not caused by your styrofoam cup. That said, I would say your cup is a bigger environmental problem than global warming.

It's litter and unsightly. As far as global warming, it's a small amount of carbon from natural gas which instead of being burnt into CO2 will just remain inert as styrofoam indefinitely so it is in effect sequestering carbon thereby helping to slow global warming.

Well stryophom is does release chemicals. I don't really believe in gloable warming. But people like you do make it hurt the enviorment, you don't trough trash on the roof, you put it in the trash or recyle bin. Kano, I live near Mt St Healens, she sent out more co2 that 100 people could produce in a life time in one day. Nature is not minor to humanes. But that doesn't need to mean we have the right to litter( tossing trash on a roof) really who does that.


Just about everything you could want to know.

I dunno. Put the styrofoam on a string and troll it though YA.

See what comes up.

I threw a strofoam container on a roof and my friend was like "you can't do that that's bad for the enviroment and stuff. You know, global warming." and when I asked what it had to do with global warming he reassured me that it's a thing and said some bull **** like "because it's made of chemicals it will get released into the air and kill us all" and i only know that it's when green house gases trap heat in our atmospher but i dont know where the gases come from. im still super confused because i'm pretty sure that's not right. if someone could please explain that'd be great because i want to finish this argument with knowledge