> Did any scientist ever claim that "extreme weather is something new caused by global warming"?

Did any scientist ever claim that "extreme weather is something new caused by global warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well taking one of kano's points from his question


which was 94f for ~3 days as the unfortunately named notrickzone informs us

Yet look at the most recent similar event which also hit France and it was in 2012 and was 100f temperatures for ~2 weeks.

Going back to things like Katrina deniers certainly tried to claim that "scientists had said Katrina was linked to climate change", but they could never produce real quotes to back the claim while it was quite easy to find quotes from many scientists to say it was not yet possible to make that connection.

In just the last couple of years scientists have started to say that contributions from AGW are now starting to be visible and the global averages of the last few years back that as does the very extreme weather that they said we should start to expect.

But lets look at another of kano's list


gosh 101.7f (for our American friends) that is 38.7c, sadly in Sydney today temps in the low to mid 40's are a more usual heat wave, I was in Sydney during the January heatwave where temps reached nearly 45


I'm starting to get really confused? I got a feeling, based upon researching peoples answers on both sides, that we all agree. I feel we understand that humans effect the climate, there is a debate on how much, and most agree it will not be catastrophic. So what are we fighting for? Why do we need a carbon tax? Why do I need to give up my rights to the UN? Can't simple education fix this issue or at least slow it down?

I am so confused after doing about 4 hours of YA! research. What I am noticing is, in all actuality, no one really knows what they are fighting for. This is a prime example. Just look at Ottawa Mike's recent question.

They have us distracted with debating while they are destroying the world, creating a genocidal war, and furthering the Orwellian agenda. It is so obvious but this "rant" will sound schizophrenic to a lot but I'm seeing the "light" of the Illuminati right here on this forum......what I call the New Schism.

BTW I got proof the BP oil spill was done attentionally, on purpose. A whistle blower has come forward. A good friend of mine name Jeff Augosta is working on a phenomenal documentary that exposes this as well as connecting the big oil companies as one, all working to fuel the BS debate. We are teaming up as are research is crossing paths......

Perhaps not in those same words but some have said that increased GW/sea level rise will intensify or magnify certain weather events or hurricanes, storms, etc.. or other affects while others suggest the opposite occurs.

Extreme weather is not something new but some have said that increased warming or climate change effects/sea level rise can increase or magnify the effects of bad storms so one might infer a new situation that supposedly? has not been experienced in the past...which is untrue in the case of Northeast Coast hurricanes...some in the past were equally as bad or worse in various terms such as the 1938 event...Long Island Express.


"Hurricane Sandy was a clear example the link between climate change and extreme weather. Scientists agree that climate change intensifies weather, magnifying bad weather events into catastrophes. Thomas Karl, the director of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climactic Data Center said,

“If sea levels were not rising in those areas [East Coast], that’s not to say the effects of Sandy would not have been significant ― but, what the analysis is saying is with the added increase of sea level, that makes the event incrementally worse.”


So how would you interpret or read..."the analysis is saying is with the added increase of sea level, that makes the event incrementally worse."?

Does that not imply that something new or worse than expected is being observed due to warming effects/sea level rise?

One rebuttal article....

"New study suggests global warming decreases storm activity and extreme weather

Posted on January 25, 2014

This "clipping" is from a headline generator.A paper published January 21st in Quaternary Science Reviews reconstructs storm activity in Iceland over the past 1,200 years and finds storminess and extreme weather variability was far more common during the Little Ice Age in comparison to the Medieval Warm Period and the 20th century. The paper adds to many other peer-reviewed publications finding global warming decreases storm activity, the opposite of claims by climate alarmists."




According to the above graph extreme precipitation events have never been 0 for the area and time period specified. If we look at global precipitation events there would always be some. People that argue against this are arguing a fallacy. No one has ever said extreme events did not occur before the current long term warming trend. People that claim they did are foolish.

You must have been asking this as I was answering kano's question. He seems to have lost the energy for trying to fake it as a skeptic. One of things that Deniers seem to have in common is not knowing that learning is a learned skill that requires work - and that learning a lot takes a lot of work.

Even after going through graduate school, when I got a gig at a research laboratory, it took me a year-and-a-half before I began to feel confident that I understood what I was doing - and it took 5 years before I felt like I could hold my own in conversations with the big dogs - and it turns out that it takes everyone that long. I know that there are people like Newton and Mozart who are born with some kind of head start, but I'm not one of them and I have never met anyone who is.

It is a denialist straw man argument. Global warming can increase the frequency of extreme weather events, but no, extreme weather events are not new.

Or did any non-denier of climate science ever claim that stupid lying is something new caused only by Yahoo Answers?


Is extreme weather something new caused by global warming?

Kano asked 31 mins ago -