> Is this true? “Only in America can people who don’t believe in evolution or global warming browbeat actual professionals

Is this true? “Only in America can people who don’t believe in evolution or global warming browbeat actual professionals

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Is this really what our government thinks of us?

Nope. Huh?

Oh come on any bunch of idiots like are in CDC no one can call actual professionals, and they don't need anything more than a incompetent fool like Tom Frieden to head it.

On May 16, 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's blog published an article instructing the public on what to do to prepare for a zombie invasion.

These idiots at CDC ever think that firearms are a Communicable Disease.

Get real, these idiots at CDC has the mentality of a backward child.

To a large extent, yes. In other countries, an idiot can take over a position of power but we are the only ones who have the CDC. Listen to the proposals that Congress has been coming up with, like banning travel from West Africa to the USA. Then, recall that (1) the CDC has nothing to do with issuing travel visas and (2) people flying from West Africa to the USA do not fly directly but usually fly via Europe. This is the sort of buncombe that we have come to expect for our politicians. We deserve what we elect. Why, there is even someone who thinks that a FORMER spokesman is expressing official government opinion.

I don't know if it's true that only happens in America, but the current Congress not only does nothing, they also spend much of their time trying to keep other people from doing their jobs, too. If Congressional hearings were held in private, where these clowns didn't get television and radio time, there would be a lot less of them.

Eventually people may stop buying into these dog and pony shows that Congress puts on.

The CDC officials are opposed to a travel ban. Everyone from those countries should first be shaking the hands of the professionals at the CDC. Then we can be assured that their confidence is well placed.

It's true. Only in America do voters elect complete idiots to hold sway over their lives.

Only in America are so many citizens dumb enough to give any credibility to those who complain about global warming or the CDC or evolution. There are such people everywhere, but usually they're recognized as the nutcases that they actually are.


Is this really what our government thinks of us?