> Was algore wrong about glibal warming?

Was algore wrong about glibal warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY― Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years.


Al Gore was wrong about most everything, including claiming that his dad lost his seat for voting for the Civil Rights Act, when in fact Al Gore Sr voted no.

>>FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY― Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years.<<

Deniers change "could" to "would" - and then accuse Gore of lying.

If he had predicted that AGW Deniers would be just as stupid and dishonest in 5 years, he would have been right on target..

And if made that prediction about Deniers today - 5 years from now he would be proven right.

I'd be willing to bet he did not predict that--but you can't really expect accuracy from someone that can't spell "Al Gore" or "global".

EDIT: BB said "Al Gore is sad and those who follow him, even more so." And just who are those that follow Al Gore? The deniers, of course. This question is a perfect example.

No, Al Gore was not necessarily wrong. Global warming is definitely a real problem! However the prediction he made was not calculated right.

Al Gore is sad and those who follow him, even more so.

Learn English first, then try science.

Who cares? Since you give no reference to your claim it's most likely a lie. You right wing denialists are good at that

He must have gotten something right or he wouldn't have received the Nobel Prize.

He also warned about more frequent and intense hurricanes.

It is your question that is glib.

FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY― Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years.
