> How is all that Global Warming working out for Cairo, Egypt? First snowfall in a hundred years?

How is all that Global Warming working out for Cairo, Egypt? First snowfall in a hundred years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

You might say Hell is freezing over.

if you're standing outside in the middle of winter and you're not dressed properly for it, you can make yourself a bit warmer for a short period of time by urinating in your pants. even though it's winter, freezing cold, you're not wearing a jacket and you suddenly mysteriously got warmer.. it doesn't always necessarily mean a violent shift in the forces of nature around you. Especially not if you just pissed yourself

so unless it can be explained how dumping 1 quadrillion pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution wouldn't cause it to snow in egypt while all signs shows it would then yes, it's climate change.. but in all likelihood someone just didn't do a good enough job of explaining exactly what it means... in case they didn't then yeah, snowing in egypt is actually part of it

Nice, I would like to see snow again in my hometown--the last time it snowed there was in 1967.

So here is a math problem for you, take the temperatures for the Middle East for one day and figure out how much effect that has on the global mean temperature for the year. I would be surprised if it you could even see the difference in plot.

To find out how global warming is working out for Cairo, Egypt, follow this link.


It cooled during the 1970s, then it warmed.

The AGW cultists will blame that on global warming. They'll blame the 3000 broken records for low temps in the US last summer on AGW. They'll blame the summer snowfall in Australia on AGW. They'll blame the lowest recorded temp in Antarctica (-135.8 F) in Aug of 2010 on AGW. They blame every freaking bad weather related incident on AGW. They blame more hookers standing on street corners on AGW. They blame meteors smashing into the earth on AGW. But they will never ever blame nice weather or anything good like less droughts from more rainfall and an increase in the global density of vegetation on AGW.

AGW cultists are just mentally ill.

All that extra heat in the system can have all sorts of unpredictable consequences locally.

I'm going to go with joe on this one, it's all the heat that's making it so cold.........warmunist logic at it's best

You really are that stupid. It's almost sad
